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endorsed resources
a level
a level
collins edexcel a level mathematics edexcel a level mathematics student book year 1 and as
collins edexcel a level mathematics edexcel a level mathematics student book year 2
edexcel a level mathematics year 1 (as)
edexcel a level further mathematics core year 1 (as)
edexcel a level maths year 1 as student book
edexcel a level maths year 2 student book
edexcel further maths core pure year 1 as level student book
edexcel further maths core pure year 2 student book
edexcel further maths decision maths 1 student book (as and a level)
edexcel further maths further statistics 1 student book (as and a level)
edexcel further maths further mechanics 1 student book (as and a level)
edexcel a level maths year 1 and 2 combined student book
collins edexcel a level mathematics edexcel a level mathematics student book year 1 and as
- psychology
- chemistry
- physics
- biology
- geography
history+ for edexcel a level religion and the state in early modern europe student book
history+ for edexcel a level communist states in the twentieth century student book
history+ for edexcel a level nationalism, dictatorship and democracy in twentieth century europe student book
history+ for edexcel a level democracies in change britain and the usa in the twentieth century student book
access to history protest, agitation and parliamentary reform in britain 1780 1928 for edexcel student book
access to history the british experience of warfare 1790 1918 for edexcel, second edition student book
access to history civil rights and race relations in the usa 1850 2009 for edexcel student book
history+ for edexcel a level religion and the state in early modern europe student book
- business
- economics
- french
- german
- spanish
- government and politics
geography a
geography a
river processes and landforms
flooding in the uk
extreme weather the somerset floods
coastal processes and landforms
holderness sustainable coastal management
extreme weather coastal flooding
climate change
tropical storms bangladesh's cyclone aila
challenges of urbanisation inequalities in bangalore
emerging superpower booming bangalore
the re branding of glasgow
the 2012 olympics and east london's regeneration
debating energy futures coal, gas and nuclear
the greening of energy
global energy security
river processes and landforms
geography b
geography b
river processes and landforms
flooding in the uk
extreme weather the somerset floods
coastal processes and landforms
holderness sustainable coastal management
extreme weather coastal flooding
climate change
tropical storms bangladesh's cyclone aila
challenges of urbanisation inequalities in bangalore
emerging superpower booming bangalore
the re branding of glasgow
the 2012 olympics and east london's regeneration
debating energy futures coal, gas and nuclear
the greening of energy
global energy security
geohazards monitoring and prediction
the haiti earthquake
iceland living with volcanoes
river processes and landforms
- english literature
- physical education
- chinese
international gcse
international gcse
- physics
- biology
- chemistry
- geography a
- geography b
- human biology
- english (as 2nd language)
- information and communication technology
- science (double award)
- accounting
- business
- economics
- english literature
- english language
- geography
ig history changes in medicine c1848 c1948 and activebook
ig history the soviet union in revolution 1905 24 sb and activebook
ig history the usa 1918 41 sb and activebook
ig history the changing role of international organisations the league and the un 1919 2011 sb and activebook
ig history the origins and course of the first world war 1905 18 sb and activebook
ig history conflict crisis and change china 1900 1989 sb and activebook
ig history conflict crisis and change the middle east 1919 2012 sb and activebook
history dictatorship and conflict in the ussr 1924 1953 sb and activebook
history development of dictatorship germany 1918 1945 sb and activebook
history a world divided superpower relations 1943 1972 sb and activebook
history a divided union civil rights in the usa 1945 1970 sb and activebook
history changes in medicine c1848 c1948 online teacher resource pack
history conflict crisis and change china 1900 1989 online teacher resource pack
history conflict crisis and change the middle east 1919 2012 online teacher resource pack
history the changing role of international organisations the league and the un 1919 2011 online teacher resource pack
history the usa 1918 41 online teacher resource pack
history the soviet union in revolution 1905 24 online teacher resource pack
history the origins and course of the first world war 1905 18 online teacher resource pack
history a divided union civil rights in the usa 1945 70 online teacher resource pack
history dictatorship and conflict in the ussr 1924 53 online teacher resource pack
history development of dictatorship germany 1918 45 online teacher resource pack
history a world divided superpower relations 1943 72 online teacher resource pack
ig history changes in medicine c1848 c1948 and activebook
- information technology
- mathematics a
- further pure mathematics
- science double award
geography a
geography a
the uk's changing landscape
river processes and landforms
flooding in the uk
extreme weather the somerset floods
coastal processes and landforms
holderness sustainable coastal management
extreme weather coastal flooding
managing the dorset coast
climate change
tropical storms bangladesh's cyclone aila
challenges of urbanisation inequalities in bangalore
emerging superpower booming bangalore
the re branding of glasgow
the 2012 olympics and east london's regeneration
debating energy futures coal, gas and nuclear
the greening of energy
global energy security
energy security india's sustainable solutions
the uk's changing landscape
- geography
hodder gcse (9 1) history for edexcel crime and punishment through time, c1000 present student book
hodder gcse (9 1) history for edexcel medicine through time, c1250 present student book
hodder gcse (9 1) history for edexcel warfare through time, c1250 present student book
hodder gcse (9 1) history for edexcel anglo saxon and norman england, c1060 88 student book
hodder gcse (9 1) history for edexcel the reigns of king richard i and king john, 1189 1216 student book
hodder gcse (9 1) history for edexcel henry viii and his ministers, 1509 40 student book
hodder gcse (9 1) history for edexcel early elizabethan england, 1558 88 student book
hodder gcse (9 1) history for edexcel the american west, c1836 95 student book
hodder gcse (9 1) history for edexcel superpower relations and the cold war, 1941 91 student book
hodder gcse (9 1) history for edexcel conflict in the middle east, 1945 95 student book
hodder gcse (9 1) history for edexcel russia and the soviet union, 1917 41 student book
hodder gcse (9 1) history for edexcel weimar and nazi germany, 1918 39 student book
hodder gcse (9 1) history for edexcel the usa, 1954 75 conflict at home and abroad student book
my revision notes edexcel gcse (9 1) history medicine in britain, c1250 present and the british sector of the western front, 1914 18
my revision notes edexcel gcse (9 1) history anglo saxon and norman england, c1060 88
my revision notes edexcel gcse (9 1) history early elizabethan england, 1558 88
my revision notes edexcel gcse (9 1) history the american west, c1836 c95
my revision notes edexcel gcse (9 1) history superpower relations and the cold war, 1941 91
my revision notes edexcel gcse (9 1) history weimar and nazi germany, 1918 39
hodder gcse (9 1) history for edexcel crime and punishment through time, c1000 present student book
edexcel gcse (9 1) business, second edition student book
edexcel gcse (9 1) unit 1 enterprise and entrepreneurship
edexcel gcse (9 1) unit 2 spotting a business opportunity
edexcel gcse (9 1) unit 3 putting a business idea into practice
edexcel gcse (9 1) unit 4 making a business effective
edexcel gcse (9 1) unit 5 understanding external influences on business
edexcel gcse (9 1) unit 6 growing a business
edexcel gcse (9 1) unit 7 making marketing decisions
edexcel gcse (9 1) unit 8 making operational and financial decisions
edexcel gcse (9 1) unit 9 making human resource decisions
edexcel gcse (9 1) business, second edition student book
- physical education
religious studies
religious studies
edexcel religious studies for gcse (9 1) catholic christianity (specification a)
edexcel religious studies for gcse (9 1) beliefs in action (specification b)
gcse religious studies for edexcel b religion, philosophy and social justice through islam
gcse religious studies for edexcel b religion, peace and conflict through christianity
gcse religious studies for edexcel b religion, peace and conflict through islam
gcse religious studies for edexcel b religion and ethics through christianity
gcse religious studies for edexcel b religion and ethics through islam
gcse religious studies for edexcel a catholic christianity with islam and judaism student book
gcse religious studies for edexcel b religion, philosophy and social justice through christianity
edexcel religious studies for gcse (9 1) catholic christianity (specification a)
computer science
computer science
edexcel computer science for gcse (9 1)
zig zag course companion for edexcel gcse (9 1) computer science
edexcel gcse (9 1) unit 1 problem solving
edexcel gcse (9 1) unit 2 programming
edexcel gcse (9 1) unit 3 data
edexcel gcse (9 1) unit 4 computers
edexcel gcse (9 1) unit 5 communication and the internet
edexcel gcse (9 1) unit 6 the bigger picture
edexcel computer science for gcse (9 1)
geography b
geography b
gcse geography edexcel b student book
the uk's changing landscape
river processes and landforms
flooding in the uk
extreme weather the somerset floods
coastal processes and landforms
holderness sustainable coastal management
extreme weather coastal flooding
managing the dorset coast
climate change
tropical storms bangladesh's cyclone aila
challenges of urbanisation inequalities in bangalore
emerging superpower booming bangalore
the re branding of glasgow
the 2012 olympics and east london's regeneration
debating energy futures coal, gas and nuclear
the greening of energy
global energy security
energy security india's sustainable solutions
geohazards monitoring and prediction
the haiti earthquake
montserrat living with volcanoes
iceland living with volcanoes
population change migration to the uk
gcse geography edexcel b student book
- english literature
- spanish
- psychology
- design and technology textiles technology
- design and technology product design
- design and technology resistant materials
- design and technology graphic products
- mathematics
- chinese
geography a
- btec nationals
- btec tech awards
international advanced level
international advanced level
- accounting
- arabic
- french
- german
- spanish
edexcel international advanced level biology lab book
edexcel international advanced level biology student book and activebook 1
edexcel international advanced level biology student book and activebook 2
edexcel international advanced level biology teacher resource pack 1
edexcel international advanced level biology teacher resource pack 2
edexcel international advanced level biology lab book
edexcel international advanced level (ial) business student book and activebook 1
edexcel international advanced level (ial) business student book and activebook 2
edexcel international advanced level (ial) business online teacher resource pack 1
edexcel international advanced level (ial) business online teacher resource pack 2
edexcel international advanced level (ial) business student book and activebook 1
edexcel international advanced level chemistry lab book
edexcel international advanced level chemistry student book and activebook 1
edexcel international advanced level chemistry student book and activebook 2
edexcel international advanced level chemistry teacher resource pack 1
edexcel international advanced level chemistry teacher resource pack 2
edexcel international advanced level chemistry lab book
edexcel international advanced level economics student book and activebook 1
edexcel international advanced level economics student book and activebook 2
edexcel international advanced level economics online teacher resource pack 1
edexcel international advanced level economics online teacher resource pack 2
edexcel international advanced level economics student book and activebook 1
- information technology
edexcel international a level mathematics pure 1 student book
edexcel international a level mathematics pure 2 student book
edexcel international a level mathematics pure 3 student book
edexcel international a level mathematics pure 4 student book
edexcel international a level mathematics pure 1 teacher resource pack
edexcel international a level mathematics pure 2 teacher resource pack
edexcel international a level mathematics pure 3 teacher resource pack
edexcel international a level mathematics pure 4 teacher resource pack
edexcel international a level mathematics further pure 1 student book
edexcel international a level mathematics further pure 2 student book
edexcel international a level mathematics further pure 3 student book
edexcel international a level mathematics further pure 1 teacher resource pack
edexcel international a level mathematics further pure 2 teacher resource pack
edexcel international a level mathematics further pure 3 teacher resource pack
edexcel international a level mathematics statistics 1 student book
edexcel international a level mathematics statistics 2 student book
edexcel international a level mathematics statistics 3 student book
edexcel international a level mathematics statistics 1 teacher resource pack
edexcel international a level mathematics statistics 2 teacher resource pack
edexcel international a level mathematics statistics 3 teacher resource pack
edexcel international a level mathematics mechanics 1 student book
edexcel international a level mathematics mechanics 2 student book
edexcel international a level mathematics mechanics 3 student book
edexcel international a level mathematics mechanics 1 teacher resource pack
edexcel international a level mathematics mechanics 2 teacher resource pack
edexcel international a level mathematics mechanics 3 teacher resource pack
edexcel international a level mathematics decision 1 student book
edexcel international a level mathematics decision 1 teacher resource pack
edexcel international a level mathematics pure 1 student book
- psychology
edexcel international advanced level (ial) physics lab book
edexcel international advanced level (ial) physics student book and activebook 1
edexcel international advanced level (ial) physics student book and activebook 2
edexcel international advanced level (ial) physics teacher resource pack 1
edexcel international advanced level (ial) physics teacher resource pack 2
edexcel international advanced level (ial) physics lab book
- english literature
- geography
edexcel international as and a level history britain 1964 90 online teacher resource pack
edexcel international as and a level history china 1900 76 online teacher resource pack
edexcel international as and a level history germany 1918 45 online teacher resource pack
edexcel international as and a level history india 1857 1948 the raj to partition online teacher resource pack
edexcel international as and a level history russia in revolution 1881 1917 online teacher resource pack
edexcel international as and a level history south africa 1948 2014 online teacher resource pack
edexcel international as and a level history the world divided superpower relations 1943 90 online teacher resource pack
edexcel international as and a level history civil rights and race relations in the usa 1865 2009 online teacher resource pack
edexcel international as and a level history russia 1917 1991 from lenin to yeltsin online teacher resource pack
edexcel international as and a level history britain 1964 90 online teacher resource pack
edexcel international as and a level arabic online teacher resource pack
edexcel international as and a level french online teacher resource pack
edexcel international as and a level german online teacher resource pack
edexcel international as and a level spanish online teacher resource pack
edexcel international as and a level arabic online teacher resource pack
- law
a level
- Key-Dates
- June-2014
- January-2015
- June-2015
International Advanced Levels
International Advanced Levels
What happens to students who have started an Edexcel international alternative A level in science but wish to complete an Edexcel GCE A level?
Do universities recognise Edexcel International Advanced Level science qualifications?
Can international private candidates and those making entries via the British Council now only sit the new Edexcel International Advanced Level qualifications?
What are the differences between Edexcel A levels and Edexcel International Advanced Levels?
Which subjects are Edexcel International Advanced Level qualifications available in?
Can students in the UK take Edexcel International Advanced Level qualifications?
What textbooks should I use for Edexcel International Advanced Levels?
What changes are happening to A levels in England
Does the removal of January A level exams affect international centres?
What does the removal of January A level exams mean for my centre and students?
students who sat A level unit exams in 2013 switch to an IAL to sit exams in June 2014?
Will students be awarded an Edexcel A level if they sit their final exams in June 2014?
Will Edexcel A level Biology, Chemistry and Physics continue to have practical coursework?
Will there be new specifications for Edexcel International Advanced Level Business Studies, Mathematics and Economics?
Will there be new specifications for Edexcel International Advanced Level Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Law and Accounting?
Do universities recognise Edexcel International Advanced Level qualifications?
Can students resit International Advanced Level units before certification?
Will AS be available for Edexcel International Advanced Levels and will it count towards an Advanced Level?
Which A level unit results can be put towards Edexcel International Advanced Level (IAL) qualifications?
What’s the difference between Edexcel A level and Edexcel International Advanced Level qualifications in Biology, Chemistry and Physics?
Can students still take January exams for A levels in science?
aimee test question
I've completed the assessment for some Edexcel International Advanced Level qualification units with a centre outside the UK. If I move back to the UK, can I complete my course or resit Edexcel IAL units in a UK centre?
What happens to students who have started an Edexcel international alternative A level in science but wish to complete an Edexcel GCE A level?
- A Levels
Edexcel Certificate
Edexcel Certificate
What is the Edexcel Certificate?
Why can’t state schools teach International GCSEs
Does the Edexcel Certificate count towards the English Baccalaureate?
What is the Edexcel Certificate worth?
When is the Edexcel Certificate assessed?
What will appear on the results certificate?
What does Level 1/Level 2 mean?
What support is available for the Edexcel Certificate?
Will International GCSEs count in performance tables from 2014?
Can we offer the Edexcel Certificate in English Language with GCSE English Literature?
When the new GCSEs are introduced from September 2015, can we still offer Edexcel Certificates to count as ‘English’ within the new 2017 accountability measures?
How are the Edexcel Certificates affected by the Secretary of State’s announcement on first entry GCSE exam results and school performance tables in England?
Why is it called a Level 1/Level 2 Certificate in History?
How are exam papers structured for the Edexcel Certificate in Science?
How does the Edexcel Certificate in Science compare to GCSE Science?
When the new GCSEs are introduced from September 2015, can we still offer Edexcel Certificates?
What are Edexcel Certificates?
Why study Edexcel Certificates?
How will I be assessed?
Why is my school no longer offering qualifications in Edexcel Certificates?
What is the Edexcel Certificate?
- BTEC Firsts
How do I find information about your events?
How up to date is the content of this event?
Who will run the training?
Can I request training at my school or college?
Can non-Pearson centres attend paid/free events?
What can I do if I can’t find an event suitable for me?
How do I book an event?
How do I get an Edexcel Online account?
How will I know my booking has been accepted?
The course I would like to attend is fully booked. Is there a waiting list?
Can I provisionally reserve a place on an event?
I have dietary requirements – will these be met?
What do I do if I have access or support requirements?
Can I transfer from one event to another?
Can another delegate attend on my behalf?
Can I receive course materials for an event I was unable to attend?
What is your cancellation policy?
Will I receive a certificate of attendance?
When will training materials be made available?
Can I have a copy of the trainer’s presentation?
Can I provide feedback on the event?
The event didn’t meet my expectations - what can I do?
Can I access training materials if I am a private tutor?
How will you let me know if my event has been cancelled?
My event has been cancelled. Will it be rescheduled?
I purchased train tickets, but the event was cancelled. Will I be reimbursed?
Will I receive proof of attendance?
Can I get a copy of the trainer's presentation?
Do I get a chance to give feedback on the event?
The event didn’t meet my expectations - what can I do?
Can I access training materials if I am a private tutor?
What is online training?
How does online training work?
Are online events live or recorded?
Where do we find out the aims and objectives of the event?
Once I'm in the live online event, how do I ask questions?
How interactive is online training?
Are online events simply a replica of the face-to-face events?
Can I join the training from home or do I have to do it at my centre?
Are online events available to our students?
How many colleagues can we have on one event?
Is there a maximum number of places available on each online event? Why?
How do we train the whole department/cohort?
What are the advantages of online training?
Can I talk to other delegates/centres while I'm online?
How do I search for online events?
Can international centres join online training? What about the time difference?
I can’t make it at that time and nothing else is available. Can I get a recording of the event?
How do I book a place on an online event?
I've sent a booking request to trainingbookings@edexcel.com / trainingonline@edexcel.com, but haven’t received a booking confirmation. Do I have a firm place on the event?
Can I book onto the event on the day of the event?
Can I transfer to another event?
What happens if the event is fully booked or if I was placed on the waiting list?
I would really like to join the online event this afternoon. Is this possible?
Can we have multiple users for free events?
When will I receive my joining instructions?
Is it GMT time?
It's the day of the event and haven’t received the link to the event. What do I do?
Are timings fixed?
When do I log in to the event?
How do I log in from home/ from my centre?
Can I cancel my course?
I’m experiencing logging in problems. Who do I contact?
Can someone else attend in my place?
Can we log on individually? After all, we do have the link.
Can I get transferred to another event?
What equipment do I need?
I was prevented from joining the online session due to technical problems. Do I get a refund?
Do I need a microphone?
Am I allowed to speak?
Are materials available?
Can I have the PowerPoint presentation?
Will I receive technical support?
Are there AV requirements that need to be met before the start of the session?
I was unable to attend the live online event. Can I receive the recording?
When will I receive the recording of the event?
Can I request a recording of an online event?
Does Edexcel provide certificates for online training events?
How do I get a proof of attendance/ completion of training?
Where can I find training materials from events?
Can I access training materials if I am a private tutor?
Can I join an online training session from home or do I have to do it at my centre
Where can I get technical support?
What training can I have in my school or college?
How many people can attend a private event?
Will you provide training materials?
What equipment do we need to have available?
Can we invite colleagues from other schools?
What communications will I receive about this event?
When should I book my travel?
Will Pearson cover my travel expenses or teacher release fees?
Could I have the contact details for other delegates booked on to my event?
I can't view the map you sent me - can you help?
What if you don't contact me?
How long does the training last and will we get a break?
How do I cancel or modify my booking?
Will I receive a recording of the event?
The registration is closed, what can I do?
How do I find information about your events?
- Fees
GSCE History A
GSCE History A
When will the specification be accredited?
When do we start teaching the new specification?
Are GCSEs changing for first teaching in 2015 or 2016?
When does the current 2012 specification come to an end?
We want to cover GCSE History in one year, starting in 2013. Which specification should we follow?
We currently teach Unit 1 sections 1-3. Do we have to teach the Cold War in this unit now?
We currently teach Unit 3C A divided union? USA 1945-70. Do we have to teach the new 3C option?
Will there be updated resources for the new specification?
I saw an earlier draft specification, what has changed in the final document?
When will the specification be accredited?
Work-based learning
Work-based learning
How long does DCS last for NVQ?
When will I receive my certificates?
I have lost my learner's certificate. How do I order a replacement?
I have claimed the wrong unit for a candidate. How can I change it?
What should I do if I miss the OSCA BTEC deadline?
How long does DCS last for BTEC?
I can’t see my venue ID when booking a test. What should I do?
How long will it take for the exam to show on ESM Server once I have booked it?
What is ‘candidate status?’
Why has my spreadsheet not uploaded?
Can I change the format of the field on the spreadsheet?
I'm trying to register my learners but EOL won't let me. What should I do?
I can't log in to Enterprise Site Manager (ESM). What should I do?
I can't see my tests in ESM server. What should I do?
I can't log my learner in to Administrator to sit the examination. What should I do?
Are there any qualifications not available for automatic approval?
Why have I been rejected automatic approval for an Apprenticeship?
I can't find the Apprenticeship I'm looking for
How long does DCS last for NVQ?
How long does DCS last for NVQ?
GCSE Science
GCSE Science
Which students are affected?
If students have achieved a GCSE or Level 1/2 Certificate already in Year 10 (in 2013), will that result count in the performance tables for the summer 2014 exams?
If my students take GCSE Science but move on to Biology, Chemistry and Physics, what are the implications of the first entry rule?
If a student takes the Level 1/2 Certificate in January 2014 and GCSEs in either Core/Additional or separate sciences in summer 2014, can the better result count in school performance tables as these are different qualifications?
If a student is entered for a Level 1/2 Certificate in May 2014 and a GCSE in June 2014, which result will count in school performance tables?
If a student is entered for a resit with a different awarding body, will the better result count?
How does first entry affect what subjects are eligible for the EBacc?
How will the new Progress 8 measure affect GCSEs in Science?
What EBacc combinations are available for 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 results?
Which students are affected?
Understanding your results: Information for students
Understanding your results: Information for students
What are raw marks?
Can you take personal circumstances into account when calculating my grade?
Some of my personal details are incorrect on my results slip. What can I do?
What are raw and UMS marks?
What does a '#' mean next to my overall grade?
What if UCAS haven't received my results?
What is clearing?
What courses can I apply for through clearing?
What are my other options?
What are raw marks?
Post-results services: Information for students
GCSE English
GCSE English
For English GCSE controlled assessments certificating in 2014, 2015 and 2016, which theme/task should I be doing?
For English GCSE controlled assessments certificating in 2014, 2015 and 2016, which theme/task should I be doing?
For English GCSE controlled assessments certificating in 2014, 2015 and 2016, which theme/task should I be doing?
GCSE English Literature 2013 for first certification summer 2015
When do we start teaching the new specifications?
Is GCSE English available from September 2015?
Can students retake the new GCSE English Language?
Do International GCSEs and Edexcel Certificates count in performance tables?
Is it possible to combine a Certificate in English Language with a GCSE in English Literature or vice versa?
When the new GCSEs are introduced from September 2015, can we still offer Edexcel Certificates to count as ‘English’ within the new 2017 accountability measures?
How are the Edexcel Certificates affected by the Secretary of State’s announcement (29 September 2013) on first entry GCSE exam results and school performance tables in England?
Please can you explain the place of GCSE English in the current performance tables with particular reference to the headline measure?
How will accountability work from summer 2016?
How will double weighting work in the new system?
Can students study for just GCSE English Language when teaching of reformed GCSEs begins in September 2015?
What are the implications for performance tables if a student takes only English Language GCSE or Certificate in summer 2016?
Will International GCSEs count in performance tables from 2014?
Can we offer the Edexcel Certificate in English Language with GCSE English Literature?
When the new GCSEs are introduced from September 2015, can we still offer Edexcel Certificates to count as ‘English’ within the new 2017 accountability measures?
How are the Edexcel Certificates affected by the Secretary of State’s announcement on first entry GCSE exam results and school performance tables in England?
For English GCSE controlled assessments certificating in 2014, 2015 and 2016, which theme/task should I be doing?
Who is the online ERR unit for?
Why use the online ERR unit?
How much does it cost to use?
Can I use it on its own?
Can I use it together with my existing teaching/learning materials?
How does it relate to sector-specific ERR materials?
How computer literate do I need to be to use the online unit?
Do I need any special software installed on my computer to be able to access the online unit?
How can a centre register to use it?
How can a learner register to use it?
Why doesn’t the link I’ve been provided with work?
How many trainers per centre can register?
Why do I need centre and learner registration codes?
How do I obtain a centre registration code?
How do I create/change the learner registration code?
How do I log in to use the online unit?
How can a learner tell how much they have covered?
How long does it take to cover the whole unit?
If a learner leaves, can I close their account?
Who is the online ERR unit for?
International training
International training
How do I book a place on an international training event?
How will I know that my booking has been accepted?
Can I make a provisional booking?
Why do you have a limit on places?
The course I would like to attend is fully booked. Is there a waiting list?
Can I transfer from one event to another?
Can another delegate attend on my behalf?
Will I have to pay a fee to attend an international training event?
How do I pay for my place on an international training event?
Can non-approved centres attend your international events?
My event has been cancelled. Will it be rescheduled?
What is your cancellation policy?
I purchased tickets to travel to a training event, but it was cancelled. Will I be reimbursed for my costs?
Can the event I’m interested in be delivered at my centre?
What can I do if I can’t find an event suitable for me?
What information will I receive about my event?
Do I need to bring anything with me to the training?
Will you provide lunch at the training?
What if I don’t hear anything?
What do I do if I have special access requirements?
I am disabled. Can I bring a support person to the event with me?
Will you cover my expenses to attend the event?
When should I book my travel?
I have dietary requirements. Will these be accommodated?
Can I have the contact details of the other delegates at my event?
Will I receive proof of attendance?
Can I receive course materials for an event I was unable to attend?
Can I get a copy of the trainer's presentation?
How do I complain if I am dissatisfied?
What is online training?
How does online training work?
What equipment do I need?
Are online events live or recorded?
Are online events simply a replica of the face-to-face events?
How long does the training last for?
Once I'm in the online event, how do I ask questions?
How interactive is online training?
Can I talk to other delegates during the online event?
Can I join the training from home or do I have to do it at my centre?
Are online events available to students?
How many colleagues can participate in one online event?
Why is there a limit on the number of places on each online event?
Can we have multiple users for free events?
Can the whole department access the online event at the same time?
Can we log on individually using the same link?
Do you offer customised online training?
How do I book a place on an online event?
I've sent a booking request to you, but haven’t received a booking confirmation. Do I have a firm place on the event?
Can I book on to the event on the day of the event?
Can I transfer to another event?
What happens if the event is fully booked?
When will I receive my joining instructions?
What do I do if my online event is happening today but I have not received my link?
When do I log in to the event?
I’m having problems. Who do I contact?
Can I cancel my place?
Can someone else attend in my place?
Can I transfer to another event?
I was prevented from joining the online session due to technical problems. Do I get a refund?
When are the event materials available for download?
When will I receive the recording of the event?
Can I request a recording of an online event I did not attend?
Does Pearson provide certificates of attendance for online training events?
The event didn’t meet my expectations - what can I do?
How do I book a place on an international training event?
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International Advanced Levels
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- Tim Lawrence
- Contact us
endorsed resources
- Overview
a level
- Overview Back
- a level
- Overview Back
- mathematics
- collins edexcel a level mathematics edexcel a level mathematics student book year 1 and as
- collins edexcel a level mathematics edexcel a level mathematics student book year 2
- edexcel a level mathematics year 1 (as)
- edexcel a level further mathematics core year 1 (as)
- edexcel a level maths year 1 as student book
- edexcel a level maths year 2 student book
- edexcel further maths core pure year 1 as level student book
- edexcel further maths core pure year 2 student book
- edexcel further maths decision maths 1 student book (as and a level)
- edexcel further maths further statistics 1 student book (as and a level)
- edexcel further maths further mechanics 1 student book (as and a level)
- edexcel a level maths year 1 and 2 combined student book
- psychology
- chemistry
- physics
- biology
- geography
- Overview Back
- history
- history+ for edexcel a level religion and the state in early modern europe student book
- history+ for edexcel a level communist states in the twentieth century student book
- history+ for edexcel a level nationalism, dictatorship and democracy in twentieth century europe student book
- history+ for edexcel a level democracies in change britain and the usa in the twentieth century student book
- access to history protest, agitation and parliamentary reform in britain 1780 1928 for edexcel student book
- access to history the british experience of warfare 1790 1918 for edexcel, second edition student book
- access to history civil rights and race relations in the usa 1850 2009 for edexcel student book
- business
- economics
- french
- german
- spanish
- government and politics
geography a
- Overview Back
- geography a
- river processes and landforms
- flooding in the uk
- extreme weather the somerset floods
- coastal processes and landforms
- holderness sustainable coastal management
- extreme weather coastal flooding
- climate change
- tropical storms bangladesh's cyclone aila
- challenges of urbanisation inequalities in bangalore
- emerging superpower booming bangalore
- the re branding of glasgow
- the 2012 olympics and east london's regeneration
- debating energy futures coal, gas and nuclear
- the greening of energy
- global energy security
geography b
- Overview Back
- geography b
- river processes and landforms
- flooding in the uk
- extreme weather the somerset floods
- coastal processes and landforms
- holderness sustainable coastal management
- extreme weather coastal flooding
- climate change
- tropical storms bangladesh's cyclone aila
- challenges of urbanisation inequalities in bangalore
- emerging superpower booming bangalore
- the re branding of glasgow
- the 2012 olympics and east london's regeneration
- debating energy futures coal, gas and nuclear
- the greening of energy
- global energy security
- geohazards monitoring and prediction
- the haiti earthquake
- iceland living with volcanoes
- english literature
- physical education
- chinese
international gcse
- Overview Back
- international gcse
- physics
- biology
- chemistry
- geography a
- geography b
- human biology
- english (as 2nd language)
- information and communication technology
- science (double award)
- accounting
- business
- economics
- english literature
- english language
- geography
- Overview Back
- history
- ig history changes in medicine c1848 c1948 and activebook
- ig history the soviet union in revolution 1905 24 sb and activebook
- ig history the usa 1918 41 sb and activebook
- ig history the changing role of international organisations the league and the un 1919 2011 sb and activebook
- ig history the origins and course of the first world war 1905 18 sb and activebook
- ig history conflict crisis and change china 1900 1989 sb and activebook
- ig history conflict crisis and change the middle east 1919 2012 sb and activebook
- history dictatorship and conflict in the ussr 1924 1953 sb and activebook
- history development of dictatorship germany 1918 1945 sb and activebook
- history a world divided superpower relations 1943 1972 sb and activebook
- history a divided union civil rights in the usa 1945 1970 sb and activebook
- history changes in medicine c1848 c1948 online teacher resource pack
- history conflict crisis and change china 1900 1989 online teacher resource pack
- history conflict crisis and change the middle east 1919 2012 online teacher resource pack
- history the changing role of international organisations the league and the un 1919 2011 online teacher resource pack
- history the usa 1918 41 online teacher resource pack
- history the soviet union in revolution 1905 24 online teacher resource pack
- history the origins and course of the first world war 1905 18 online teacher resource pack
- history a divided union civil rights in the usa 1945 70 online teacher resource pack
- history dictatorship and conflict in the ussr 1924 53 online teacher resource pack
- history development of dictatorship germany 1918 45 online teacher resource pack
- history a world divided superpower relations 1943 72 online teacher resource pack
- information technology
- mathematics a
- further pure mathematics
- science double award
- Overview Back
- gcse
geography a
- Overview Back
- geography a
- the uk's changing landscape
- river processes and landforms
- flooding in the uk
- extreme weather the somerset floods
- coastal processes and landforms
- holderness sustainable coastal management
- extreme weather coastal flooding
- managing the dorset coast
- climate change
- tropical storms bangladesh's cyclone aila
- challenges of urbanisation inequalities in bangalore
- emerging superpower booming bangalore
- the re branding of glasgow
- the 2012 olympics and east london's regeneration
- debating energy futures coal, gas and nuclear
- the greening of energy
- global energy security
- energy security india's sustainable solutions
- geography
- Overview Back
- history
- hodder gcse (9 1) history for edexcel crime and punishment through time, c1000 present student book
- hodder gcse (9 1) history for edexcel medicine through time, c1250 present student book
- hodder gcse (9 1) history for edexcel warfare through time, c1250 present student book
- hodder gcse (9 1) history for edexcel anglo saxon and norman england, c1060 88 student book
- hodder gcse (9 1) history for edexcel the reigns of king richard i and king john, 1189 1216 student book
- hodder gcse (9 1) history for edexcel henry viii and his ministers, 1509 40 student book
- hodder gcse (9 1) history for edexcel early elizabethan england, 1558 88 student book
- hodder gcse (9 1) history for edexcel the american west, c1836 95 student book
- hodder gcse (9 1) history for edexcel superpower relations and the cold war, 1941 91 student book
- hodder gcse (9 1) history for edexcel conflict in the middle east, 1945 95 student book
- hodder gcse (9 1) history for edexcel russia and the soviet union, 1917 41 student book
- hodder gcse (9 1) history for edexcel weimar and nazi germany, 1918 39 student book
- hodder gcse (9 1) history for edexcel the usa, 1954 75 conflict at home and abroad student book
- my revision notes edexcel gcse (9 1) history medicine in britain, c1250 present and the british sector of the western front, 1914 18
- my revision notes edexcel gcse (9 1) history anglo saxon and norman england, c1060 88
- my revision notes edexcel gcse (9 1) history early elizabethan england, 1558 88
- my revision notes edexcel gcse (9 1) history the american west, c1836 c95
- my revision notes edexcel gcse (9 1) history superpower relations and the cold war, 1941 91
- my revision notes edexcel gcse (9 1) history weimar and nazi germany, 1918 39
- Overview Back
- business
- edexcel gcse (9 1) business, second edition student book
- edexcel gcse (9 1) unit 1 enterprise and entrepreneurship
- edexcel gcse (9 1) unit 2 spotting a business opportunity
- edexcel gcse (9 1) unit 3 putting a business idea into practice
- edexcel gcse (9 1) unit 4 making a business effective
- edexcel gcse (9 1) unit 5 understanding external influences on business
- edexcel gcse (9 1) unit 6 growing a business
- edexcel gcse (9 1) unit 7 making marketing decisions
- edexcel gcse (9 1) unit 8 making operational and financial decisions
- edexcel gcse (9 1) unit 9 making human resource decisions
- physical education
religious studies
- Overview Back
- religious studies
- edexcel religious studies for gcse (9 1) catholic christianity (specification a)
- edexcel religious studies for gcse (9 1) beliefs in action (specification b)
- gcse religious studies for edexcel b religion, philosophy and social justice through islam
- gcse religious studies for edexcel b religion, peace and conflict through christianity
- gcse religious studies for edexcel b religion, peace and conflict through islam
- gcse religious studies for edexcel b religion and ethics through christianity
- gcse religious studies for edexcel b religion and ethics through islam
- gcse religious studies for edexcel a catholic christianity with islam and judaism student book
- gcse religious studies for edexcel b religion, philosophy and social justice through christianity
computer science
- Overview Back
- computer science
- edexcel computer science for gcse (9 1)
- zig zag course companion for edexcel gcse (9 1) computer science
- edexcel gcse (9 1) unit 1 problem solving
- edexcel gcse (9 1) unit 2 programming
- edexcel gcse (9 1) unit 3 data
- edexcel gcse (9 1) unit 4 computers
- edexcel gcse (9 1) unit 5 communication and the internet
- edexcel gcse (9 1) unit 6 the bigger picture
geography b
- Overview Back
- geography b
- gcse geography edexcel b student book
- the uk's changing landscape
- river processes and landforms
- flooding in the uk
- extreme weather the somerset floods
- coastal processes and landforms
- holderness sustainable coastal management
- extreme weather coastal flooding
- managing the dorset coast
- climate change
- tropical storms bangladesh's cyclone aila
- challenges of urbanisation inequalities in bangalore
- emerging superpower booming bangalore
- the re branding of glasgow
- the 2012 olympics and east london's regeneration
- debating energy futures coal, gas and nuclear
- the greening of energy
- global energy security
- energy security india's sustainable solutions
- geohazards monitoring and prediction
- the haiti earthquake
- montserrat living with volcanoes
- iceland living with volcanoes
- population change migration to the uk
- english literature
- spanish
- psychology
- design and technology textiles technology
- design and technology product design
- design and technology resistant materials
- design and technology graphic products
- mathematics
- chinese
- btec nationals
- btec tech awards
international advanced level
- Overview Back
- international advanced level
- accounting
- arabic
- french
- german
- spanish
- Overview Back
- biology
- edexcel international advanced level biology lab book
- edexcel international advanced level biology student book and activebook 1
- edexcel international advanced level biology student book and activebook 2
- edexcel international advanced level biology teacher resource pack 1
- edexcel international advanced level biology teacher resource pack 2
- Overview Back
- business
- edexcel international advanced level (ial) business student book and activebook 1
- edexcel international advanced level (ial) business student book and activebook 2
- edexcel international advanced level (ial) business online teacher resource pack 1
- edexcel international advanced level (ial) business online teacher resource pack 2
- Overview Back
- chemistry
- edexcel international advanced level chemistry lab book
- edexcel international advanced level chemistry student book and activebook 1
- edexcel international advanced level chemistry student book and activebook 2
- edexcel international advanced level chemistry teacher resource pack 1
- edexcel international advanced level chemistry teacher resource pack 2
- Overview Back
- economics
- edexcel international advanced level economics student book and activebook 1
- edexcel international advanced level economics student book and activebook 2
- edexcel international advanced level economics online teacher resource pack 1
- edexcel international advanced level economics online teacher resource pack 2
- information technology
- Overview Back
- mathematics
- edexcel international a level mathematics pure 1 student book
- edexcel international a level mathematics pure 2 student book
- edexcel international a level mathematics pure 3 student book
- edexcel international a level mathematics pure 4 student book
- edexcel international a level mathematics pure 1 teacher resource pack
- edexcel international a level mathematics pure 2 teacher resource pack
- edexcel international a level mathematics pure 3 teacher resource pack
- edexcel international a level mathematics pure 4 teacher resource pack
- edexcel international a level mathematics further pure 1 student book
- edexcel international a level mathematics further pure 2 student book
- edexcel international a level mathematics further pure 3 student book
- edexcel international a level mathematics further pure 1 teacher resource pack
- edexcel international a level mathematics further pure 2 teacher resource pack
- edexcel international a level mathematics further pure 3 teacher resource pack
- edexcel international a level mathematics statistics 1 student book
- edexcel international a level mathematics statistics 2 student book
- edexcel international a level mathematics statistics 3 student book
- edexcel international a level mathematics statistics 1 teacher resource pack
- edexcel international a level mathematics statistics 2 teacher resource pack
- edexcel international a level mathematics statistics 3 teacher resource pack
- edexcel international a level mathematics mechanics 1 student book
- edexcel international a level mathematics mechanics 2 student book
- edexcel international a level mathematics mechanics 3 student book
- edexcel international a level mathematics mechanics 1 teacher resource pack
- edexcel international a level mathematics mechanics 2 teacher resource pack
- edexcel international a level mathematics mechanics 3 teacher resource pack
- edexcel international a level mathematics decision 1 student book
- edexcel international a level mathematics decision 1 teacher resource pack
- psychology
- Overview Back
- physics
- edexcel international advanced level (ial) physics lab book
- edexcel international advanced level (ial) physics student book and activebook 1
- edexcel international advanced level (ial) physics student book and activebook 2
- edexcel international advanced level (ial) physics teacher resource pack 1
- edexcel international advanced level (ial) physics teacher resource pack 2
- english literature
- geography
- Overview Back
- history
- edexcel international as and a level history britain 1964 90 online teacher resource pack
- edexcel international as and a level history china 1900 76 online teacher resource pack
- edexcel international as and a level history germany 1918 45 online teacher resource pack
- edexcel international as and a level history india 1857 1948 the raj to partition online teacher resource pack
- edexcel international as and a level history russia in revolution 1881 1917 online teacher resource pack
- edexcel international as and a level history south africa 1948 2014 online teacher resource pack
- edexcel international as and a level history the world divided superpower relations 1943 90 online teacher resource pack
- edexcel international as and a level history civil rights and race relations in the usa 1865 2009 online teacher resource pack
- edexcel international as and a level history russia 1917 1991 from lenin to yeltsin online teacher resource pack
- Overview Back
- languages
- edexcel international as and a level arabic online teacher resource pack
- edexcel international as and a level french online teacher resource pack
- edexcel international as and a level german online teacher resource pack
- edexcel international as and a level spanish online teacher resource pack
- law
- Overview
- Key-Dates
- Overview Back
- Exam-Timetables
- Overview Back
- June-2014
- Overview Back
- A-Level
- Applied-Business
- Biology
- January-2015
- Overview Back
- June-2015
- Overview Back
- Principal-Learning
- Engineering
- Overview
International Advanced Levels
- Overview Back
- International Advanced Levels
- What happens to students who have started an Edexcel international alternative A level in science but wish to complete an Edexcel GCE A level?
- Do universities recognise Edexcel International Advanced Level science qualifications?
- Can international private candidates and those making entries via the British Council now only sit the new Edexcel International Advanced Level qualifications?
- What are the differences between Edexcel A levels and Edexcel International Advanced Levels?
- Which subjects are Edexcel International Advanced Level qualifications available in?
- Can students in the UK take Edexcel International Advanced Level qualifications?
- What textbooks should I use for Edexcel International Advanced Levels?
- What changes are happening to A levels in England
- Does the removal of January A level exams affect international centres?
- What does the removal of January A level exams mean for my centre and students?
- students who sat A level unit exams in 2013 switch to an IAL to sit exams in June 2014?
- Will students be awarded an Edexcel A level if they sit their final exams in June 2014?
- Will Edexcel A level Biology, Chemistry and Physics continue to have practical coursework?
- Will there be new specifications for Edexcel International Advanced Level Business Studies, Mathematics and Economics?
- Will there be new specifications for Edexcel International Advanced Level Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Law and Accounting?
- Do universities recognise Edexcel International Advanced Level qualifications?
- Can students resit International Advanced Level units before certification?
- Will AS be available for Edexcel International Advanced Levels and will it count towards an Advanced Level?
- Which A level unit results can be put towards Edexcel International Advanced Level (IAL) qualifications?
- What’s the difference between Edexcel A level and Edexcel International Advanced Level qualifications in Biology, Chemistry and Physics?
- Can students still take January exams for A levels in science?
- aimee test question
- I've completed the assessment for some Edexcel International Advanced Level qualification units with a centre outside the UK. If I move back to the UK, can I complete my course or resit Edexcel IAL units in a UK centre?
- A Levels
Edexcel Certificate
- Overview Back
- Edexcel Certificate
- What is the Edexcel Certificate?
- Why can’t state schools teach International GCSEs
- Does the Edexcel Certificate count towards the English Baccalaureate?
- What is the Edexcel Certificate worth?
- When is the Edexcel Certificate assessed?
- What will appear on the results certificate?
- What does Level 1/Level 2 mean?
- What support is available for the Edexcel Certificate?
- Will International GCSEs count in performance tables from 2014?
- Can we offer the Edexcel Certificate in English Language with GCSE English Literature?
- When the new GCSEs are introduced from September 2015, can we still offer Edexcel Certificates to count as ‘English’ within the new 2017 accountability measures?
- How are the Edexcel Certificates affected by the Secretary of State’s announcement on first entry GCSE exam results and school performance tables in England?
- Why is it called a Level 1/Level 2 Certificate in History?
- How are exam papers structured for the Edexcel Certificate in Science?
- How does the Edexcel Certificate in Science compare to GCSE Science?
- When the new GCSEs are introduced from September 2015, can we still offer Edexcel Certificates?
- What are Edexcel Certificates?
- Why study Edexcel Certificates?
- How will I be assessed?
- Why is my school no longer offering qualifications in Edexcel Certificates?
- BTEC Firsts
- Overview Back
- Training
- How do I find information about your events?
- How up to date is the content of this event?
- Who will run the training?
- Can I request training at my school or college?
- Can non-Pearson centres attend paid/free events?
- What can I do if I can’t find an event suitable for me?
- How do I book an event?
- How do I get an Edexcel Online account?
- How will I know my booking has been accepted?
- The course I would like to attend is fully booked. Is there a waiting list?
- Can I provisionally reserve a place on an event?
- I have dietary requirements – will these be met?
- What do I do if I have access or support requirements?
- Can I transfer from one event to another?
- Can another delegate attend on my behalf?
- Can I receive course materials for an event I was unable to attend?
- What is your cancellation policy?
- Will I receive a certificate of attendance?
- When will training materials be made available?
- Can I have a copy of the trainer’s presentation?
- Can I provide feedback on the event?
- The event didn’t meet my expectations - what can I do?
- Can I access training materials if I am a private tutor?
- How will you let me know if my event has been cancelled?
- My event has been cancelled. Will it be rescheduled?
- I purchased train tickets, but the event was cancelled. Will I be reimbursed?
- Will I receive proof of attendance?
- Can I get a copy of the trainer's presentation?
- Do I get a chance to give feedback on the event?
- The event didn’t meet my expectations - what can I do?
- Can I access training materials if I am a private tutor?
- What is online training?
- How does online training work?
- Are online events live or recorded?
- Where do we find out the aims and objectives of the event?
- Once I'm in the live online event, how do I ask questions?
- How interactive is online training?
- Are online events simply a replica of the face-to-face events?
- Can I join the training from home or do I have to do it at my centre?
- Are online events available to our students?
- How many colleagues can we have on one event?
- Is there a maximum number of places available on each online event? Why?
- How do we train the whole department/cohort?
- What are the advantages of online training?
- Can I talk to other delegates/centres while I'm online?
- How do I search for online events?
- Can international centres join online training? What about the time difference?
- I can’t make it at that time and nothing else is available. Can I get a recording of the event?
- How do I book a place on an online event?
- I've sent a booking request to trainingbookings@edexcel.com / trainingonline@edexcel.com, but haven’t received a booking confirmation. Do I have a firm place on the event?
- Can I book onto the event on the day of the event?
- Can I transfer to another event?
- What happens if the event is fully booked or if I was placed on the waiting list?
- I would really like to join the online event this afternoon. Is this possible?
- Can we have multiple users for free events?
- When will I receive my joining instructions?
- Is it GMT time?
- It's the day of the event and haven’t received the link to the event. What do I do?
- Are timings fixed?
- When do I log in to the event?
- How do I log in from home/ from my centre?
- Can I cancel my course?
- I’m experiencing logging in problems. Who do I contact?
- Can someone else attend in my place?
- Can we log on individually? After all, we do have the link.
- Can I get transferred to another event?
- What equipment do I need?
- I was prevented from joining the online session due to technical problems. Do I get a refund?
- Do I need a microphone?
- Am I allowed to speak?
- Are materials available?
- Can I have the PowerPoint presentation?
- Will I receive technical support?
- Are there AV requirements that need to be met before the start of the session?
- I was unable to attend the live online event. Can I receive the recording?
- When will I receive the recording of the event?
- Can I request a recording of an online event?
- Does Edexcel provide certificates for online training events?
- How do I get a proof of attendance/ completion of training?
- Where can I find training materials from events?
- Can I access training materials if I am a private tutor?
- Can I join an online training session from home or do I have to do it at my centre
- Where can I get technical support?
- What training can I have in my school or college?
- How many people can attend a private event?
- Will you provide training materials?
- What equipment do we need to have available?
- Can we invite colleagues from other schools?
- What communications will I receive about this event?
- When should I book my travel?
- Will Pearson cover my travel expenses or teacher release fees?
- Could I have the contact details for other delegates booked on to my event?
- I can't view the map you sent me - can you help?
- What if you don't contact me?
- How long does the training last and will we get a break?
- How do I cancel or modify my booking?
- Will I receive a recording of the event?
- The registration is closed, what can I do?
- Fees
GSCE History A
- Overview Back
- GSCE History A
- When will the specification be accredited?
- When do we start teaching the new specification?
- Are GCSEs changing for first teaching in 2015 or 2016?
- When does the current 2012 specification come to an end?
- We want to cover GCSE History in one year, starting in 2013. Which specification should we follow?
- We currently teach Unit 1 sections 1-3. Do we have to teach the Cold War in this unit now?
- We currently teach Unit 3C A divided union? USA 1945-70. Do we have to teach the new 3C option?
- Will there be updated resources for the new specification?
- I saw an earlier draft specification, what has changed in the final document?
Work-based learning
- Overview Back
- Work-based learning
- How long does DCS last for NVQ?
- When will I receive my certificates?
- I have lost my learner's certificate. How do I order a replacement?
- I have claimed the wrong unit for a candidate. How can I change it?
- What should I do if I miss the OSCA BTEC deadline?
- How long does DCS last for BTEC?
- I can’t see my venue ID when booking a test. What should I do?
- How long will it take for the exam to show on ESM Server once I have booked it?
- What is ‘candidate status?’
- Why has my spreadsheet not uploaded?
- Can I change the format of the field on the spreadsheet?
- I'm trying to register my learners but EOL won't let me. What should I do?
- I can't log in to Enterprise Site Manager (ESM). What should I do?
- I can't see my tests in ESM server. What should I do?
- I can't log my learner in to Administrator to sit the examination. What should I do?
- Are there any qualifications not available for automatic approval?
- Why have I been rejected automatic approval for an Apprenticeship?
- I can't find the Apprenticeship I'm looking for
- How long does DCS last for NVQ?
GCSE Science
- Overview Back
- GCSE Science
- Which students are affected?
- If students have achieved a GCSE or Level 1/2 Certificate already in Year 10 (in 2013), will that result count in the performance tables for the summer 2014 exams?
- If my students take GCSE Science but move on to Biology, Chemistry and Physics, what are the implications of the first entry rule?
- If a student takes the Level 1/2 Certificate in January 2014 and GCSEs in either Core/Additional or separate sciences in summer 2014, can the better result count in school performance tables as these are different qualifications?
- If a student is entered for a Level 1/2 Certificate in May 2014 and a GCSE in June 2014, which result will count in school performance tables?
- If a student is entered for a resit with a different awarding body, will the better result count?
- How does first entry affect what subjects are eligible for the EBacc?
- How will the new Progress 8 measure affect GCSEs in Science?
- What EBacc combinations are available for 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 results?
Understanding your results: Information for students
- Overview Back
- Understanding your results: Information for students
- What are raw marks?
- Can you take personal circumstances into account when calculating my grade?
- Some of my personal details are incorrect on my results slip. What can I do?
- What are raw and UMS marks?
- What does a '#' mean next to my overall grade?
- What if UCAS haven't received my results?
- What is clearing?
- What courses can I apply for through clearing?
- What are my other options?
- Post-results services: Information for students
GCSE English
- Overview Back
- GCSE English
- For English GCSE controlled assessments certificating in 2014, 2015 and 2016, which theme/task should I be doing?
- For English GCSE controlled assessments certificating in 2014, 2015 and 2016, which theme/task should I be doing?
- For English GCSE controlled assessments certificating in 2014, 2015 and 2016, which theme/task should I be doing?
- GCSE English Literature 2013 for first certification summer 2015
- When do we start teaching the new specifications?
- Is GCSE English available from September 2015?
- Can students retake the new GCSE English Language?
- Do International GCSEs and Edexcel Certificates count in performance tables?
- Is it possible to combine a Certificate in English Language with a GCSE in English Literature or vice versa?
- When the new GCSEs are introduced from September 2015, can we still offer Edexcel Certificates to count as ‘English’ within the new 2017 accountability measures?
- How are the Edexcel Certificates affected by the Secretary of State’s announcement (29 September 2013) on first entry GCSE exam results and school performance tables in England?
- Please can you explain the place of GCSE English in the current performance tables with particular reference to the headline measure?
- How will accountability work from summer 2016?
- How will double weighting work in the new system?
- Can students study for just GCSE English Language when teaching of reformed GCSEs begins in September 2015?
- What are the implications for performance tables if a student takes only English Language GCSE or Certificate in summer 2016?
- Will International GCSEs count in performance tables from 2014?
- Can we offer the Edexcel Certificate in English Language with GCSE English Literature?
- When the new GCSEs are introduced from September 2015, can we still offer Edexcel Certificates to count as ‘English’ within the new 2017 accountability measures?
- How are the Edexcel Certificates affected by the Secretary of State’s announcement on first entry GCSE exam results and school performance tables in England?
- Overview Back
- Who is the online ERR unit for?
- Why use the online ERR unit?
- How much does it cost to use?
- Can I use it on its own?
- Can I use it together with my existing teaching/learning materials?
- How does it relate to sector-specific ERR materials?
- How computer literate do I need to be to use the online unit?
- Do I need any special software installed on my computer to be able to access the online unit?
- How can a centre register to use it?
- How can a learner register to use it?
- Why doesn’t the link I’ve been provided with work?
- How many trainers per centre can register?
- Why do I need centre and learner registration codes?
- How do I obtain a centre registration code?
- How do I create/change the learner registration code?
- How do I log in to use the online unit?
- How can a learner tell how much they have covered?
- How long does it take to cover the whole unit?
- If a learner leaves, can I close their account?
International training
- Overview Back
- International training
- How do I book a place on an international training event?
- How will I know that my booking has been accepted?
- Can I make a provisional booking?
- Why do you have a limit on places?
- The course I would like to attend is fully booked. Is there a waiting list?
- Can I transfer from one event to another?
- Can another delegate attend on my behalf?
- Will I have to pay a fee to attend an international training event?
- How do I pay for my place on an international training event?
- Can non-approved centres attend your international events?
- My event has been cancelled. Will it be rescheduled?
- What is your cancellation policy?
- I purchased tickets to travel to a training event, but it was cancelled. Will I be reimbursed for my costs?
- Can the event I’m interested in be delivered at my centre?
- What can I do if I can’t find an event suitable for me?
- What information will I receive about my event?
- Do I need to bring anything with me to the training?
- Will you provide lunch at the training?
- What if I don’t hear anything?
- What do I do if I have special access requirements?
- I am disabled. Can I bring a support person to the event with me?
- Will you cover my expenses to attend the event?
- When should I book my travel?
- I have dietary requirements. Will these be accommodated?
- Can I have the contact details of the other delegates at my event?
- Will I receive proof of attendance?
- Can I receive course materials for an event I was unable to attend?
- Can I get a copy of the trainer's presentation?
- How do I complain if I am dissatisfied?
- What is online training?
- How does online training work?
- What equipment do I need?
- Are online events live or recorded?
- Are online events simply a replica of the face-to-face events?
- How long does the training last for?
- Once I'm in the online event, how do I ask questions?
- How interactive is online training?
- Can I talk to other delegates during the online event?
- Can I join the training from home or do I have to do it at my centre?
- Are online events available to students?
- How many colleagues can participate in one online event?
- Why is there a limit on the number of places on each online event?
- Can we have multiple users for free events?
- Can the whole department access the online event at the same time?
- Can we log on individually using the same link?
- Do you offer customised online training?
- How do I book a place on an online event?
- I've sent a booking request to you, but haven’t received a booking confirmation. Do I have a firm place on the event?
- Can I book on to the event on the day of the event?
- Can I transfer to another event?
- What happens if the event is fully booked?
- When will I receive my joining instructions?
- What do I do if my online event is happening today but I have not received my link?
- When do I log in to the event?
- I’m having problems. Who do I contact?
- Can I cancel my place?
- Can someone else attend in my place?
- Can I transfer to another event?
- I was prevented from joining the online session due to technical problems. Do I get a refund?
- When are the event materials available for download?
- When will I receive the recording of the event?
- Can I request a recording of an online event I did not attend?
- Does Pearson provide certificates of attendance for online training events?
- The event didn’t meet my expectations - what can I do?
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BTEC in Science
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