About our qualifications
In the UK, we are the largest awarding organisation offering academic and vocational qualifications that are globally recognised and benchmarked, with educational excellence rooted in names like Edexcel and BTEC.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Pearson currently has a GDPR programme underway to ensure that we are focused towards becoming compliant with new GDPR rules. As a result, we've a number of ongoing initiatives.
Business Certifications
Pearson certifies to industry recognised standards that help us ensure learner data is protected and that our products and services are of the highest quality.
New-look certificates
Pearson has a new logo and, from July 2017, this will appear on all our certificates.
Edexcel qualifications are world-class academic and general qualifications from Pearson, which include GCSEs, A levels, International GCSEs, NVQs and Functional Skills.
BTEC is the world's most successful and best-loved applied learning brand, and has been engaging learners in practical, interpersonal and thinking skills for over 25 years. BTECs are work-related qualifications suitable for a wide range of learners.