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- > New post-16 functionality

New post-16 functionality for exam results
We’ve developed new ResultsPlus functionality that will enable post-16 centres to retrieve and analyse the ResultsPlus data for incoming learners from their feeder schools. This new functionality is now live and available to all centres.
This new functionality will be of particular benefit to teachers of GCSE (9–1) Mathematics resit and GCSE (9–1) English Language resit courses and also A level Mathematics by:
- providing the ability to analyse incoming learners’ prior performance, which will assist with diagnostic assessment and help teachers to focus teaching and learning more specifically on areas of weakness
- providing group analysis reports which will be of great benefit to sixth form colleges and FE colleges where there are generally large GCSE resit cohorts with no prior knowledge of incoming learners. Teachers will be able to analyse the common strengths and weaknesses of their learners which may help with grouping students and planning.
Pre-recorded event now available
This online event will explain how you can use ResultsPlus for GCSE (9-1) Mathematics resits. It is also applicable when using for GCSE (9-1) English Language resits.
User support
In line with GDPR requirements, you are reminded to inform your enrolled learners of the purpose for which Pearson is disclosing learner results data to you. We suggest you notify learners as follows:
"In order to support you with your course, we would like to access via Pearson’s ResultsPlus service a breakdown of your results from the Pearson Edexcel papers you sat.
This information, consisting of details of your examination marks, grades and the breakdown of your performance achieved in Pearson Edexcel examinations at your last centre, will enable your school or college tutor to more specifically target your learning needs.
We will not use the information for any other purpose, nor disclose it to any other party."