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Access to Scripts
Access to Scripts is an online service, included as part of your qualification fees, that allows you to view your candidates’ marked scripts online or download as a PDF.
The Access to Scripts service provides a rich source of information, enabling detailed analysis to inform teaching and learning and support students - giving insights and visibility that performance data alone cannot provide.
- Viewing actual exam scripts provides greater visibility and a deeper understanding of individual students’ exam performance.
- Being able to see where your students picked up or lost marks will help you to make an informed decision about requesting an EAR.
- Viewing actual exam scripts can boost students’ confidence and engagement by showing what they did well and reaffirming their knowledge and skills.
- Supports teachers in advising students about their next step post-results.
- Provides a deeper level of understanding about students’ strengths and weaknesses that cannot be gained by performance data alone.
- Reviewing both performance data and exam scripts provides an extra depth of insight allowing you to see where your students have performed well or not so well at individual, class and cohort level. This information can be used positively to refine teaching practices throughout the department and pitch future teaching to particular strengths and weaknesses.
- This knowledge can inform teaching strategies for the next cohort, but also be used to shape the curriculum at each key stage by highlighting areas/topics that need to be taught in more depth earlier on.
- Enables the individual teacher to become more confident in their marking skills.
- Use real student exam scripts for departmental CPD to refine and strengthen marking skills and help teachers to recognise what a given grade looks like - which may help with forecasting of grades.
- Student scripts can be used to understand patterns and anomalies in the results of your team and CPD can be devised which may help to improve your departments’ results
What is Access to Scripts?
Evaluate how your candidates performed on particular questions and identify skills gaps so you can tailor future teaching plans.
How to use Access to Scripts
Find out how to use Access to Scripts with our self-service portal, guide and FAQs.

Login to Access to Scripts
Edexcel Online users with Exam Viewer access can use our Access to Scripts service. Contact your exams officer for more details.
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