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- Rogo
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- Overview

Rogo is a highly customisable online assessment platform which is widely used by numerous organisations worldwide. Over 2.2 million online tests have been successfully delivered by Rogo (circa August 2022).
Pearson has selected Rogo to become its primary supplier for delivering all our End-Point Assessment (EPA) knowledge tests. One of the main attractions is the integration with ACE360, the platform Pearson currently uses for EPA registration and grade reporting.
Why should I use Rogo?
- Security of tests: All tests will be comprehensively reviewed by Pearson from three recordings: webcam, mobile camera and screenshare
- Minimises travel time for both apprentice and assessors: Tests can be taken in a suitable and familiar environment of the apprentice's choosing.
- Reduces the workload for exam administration, such as training, timetabling, and logistics.
- No computer downloads: Avoids blocked software and allows apprentices to focus on the assessment.
- For the apprentice's End-Point Assessment (EPA) knowledge test, training providers will no longer be required to use separate systems to book different components of the EPA.
Rogo Customer Demonstrationn
Introduction to Rogo
‘With the recent adoption of conducting the telecoms knowledge test via Rogo platform we have seen significant improvements over in person testing. Not only does Rogo allow more capacity per day, but also offers flexibility on when and where the test can be carried out.
It has reduced travel costs and absences; meaning our team members can be back on the tools delivering for our customer within hours. We see Rogo as an integral part of the apprenticeship journey for our team members. The system is user friendly and straight forward. With learners providing positive feedback straight away.’
Chris Saunders, Openreach Apprentice Manager
Useful links
Related services
Traditional invigilation
- Pearson will create an account for the apprentice in Rogo, an email will be sent out to complete their account setup.
- Before an apprentice takes their knowledge test, Rogo will automatically send an email containing instructions to complete some preliminary checks and steps to confirm that their equipment meets the requirements for taking the test.
- It is essential to follow each step and checks in this process to ensure that the apprentice's assessment runs as smoothly as possible.
Remote invigilation
- Before an apprentice takes their knowledge test, Rogo will automatically send an email containing instructions to complete some preliminary checks and steps to confirm that their equipment meets the requirements for taking the test.
- It is essential to follow each step and checks in this process to ensure that the apprentice's assessment runs as smoothly as possible.
- Prior to the assessment, training providers will check-in with their apprentices to ensure they have completed all the necessary checks and are prepared to take their assessment. After the assessment, they will also check-in with their apprentices to confirm that everything went as expected.
Find out more
For any further questions about Rogo and how to help make it benefit you and your learners, please contact us.