Drama, Theatre and Performing Arts | Pearson qualifications

Drama, Theatre and Performing Arts

GCSE and A level Drama July 2024 update

GCSE and A level Drama July 2024 update

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My latest update for June 2024 includes a recording of the Beyond The Canon event on Global Majority playwrights and lots of support and guidance to prepare you for results days

BTEC Performing Arts July 2024 update

Appointment booking service with your subject advisor

GCSE and A level Drama July 2024 update

BTEC Performing Arts July 2024 update

BTEC Performing Arts July 2024 update

supporting arms

My latest update for June 2024 includes information on support events for Tech Award, Nationals in Performing Arts, a recording of the recent event with Beyond The Canon, and lots of support and guidance on preparing for results days

Appointment booking service with your subject advisor

GCSE and A level Drama July 2024 update

BTEC Performing Arts July 2024 update

Appointment booking service with your subject advisor

Appointment booking service with your subject advisor

supporting arms

To help support you in the delivery of GCSE Drama, A level Drama and Theatre, BTEC Tech Award in Performing Arts, BTEC Nationals in Performing Arts and Performing Arts Practice, I have set up an appointment booking service. You can book a 15 minute video call with me to ask questions and provide feedback.

Introducing our Subject Advisor for Drama, Theatre and Performing Arts

Meet Paul Webster
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Introducing Paul Webster, our Subject Advisor for Drama, Theatre and Performing Arts. His role is to support you with the delivery of our qualifications, to help you understand the content and the assessment requirements and to answer any subject-specific queries you may have.


Here are the answers to some common questions that teachers have asked recently

We provide a range of forms that you can use or adapt as you require.

We have quick list guides of all BTEC qualifications that are included in the performance tables in England for 2020 to 2023.

Yes! The Creative Practice BTEC qualifications are 100% internally assessed, approved for 16-18 funding, and carry UCAS points. Available in 540 and 1080 GLH sizes, the Performing Arts Practice and Production Arts Practice qualifications have been developed in association with teachers and employers from the creative industry.

If you are interested in offering these qualifications, please let us know and we will be in touch to discuss your options. 

The Department for Education and Ofqual have confirmed that students completing GCSE and A level Drama in summer 2023 will adhere to the usual arrangements for Components 1 and 2. 

This means that students should refer to the guidance provided in the specifications for the performance requirements, group sizes and timings for Components 1 and 2.

Useful Documents

GCSE Drama
Specification - GCSE 9-1 Drama
pdf | 1.1 MB
Specification - A level Drama and Theatre
pdf | 1.1 MB
Specification - Pearson BTEC Level 1/2 Tech Award in Performing Arts 2022
BTEC Tech Award in Performing Arts 2022
pdf | 3.4 MB

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