Support | Pearson qualifications
Support for you

Support for you

Support topics

Support topics

See all support topics
  1. Understanding our qualifications

  2. Centre administration

  3. Registrations and entries

  4. Quality assurance

  5. Assessment and verification

  6. Exams

  7. Results and certification

Training from Pearson

Training from Pearson

See Training from Pearson

Published resources and course materials

See all resources

Find a key date

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Step 1. Select type {{selectedKeyDateType}} Change

Step 2. What is your qualification? {{selectedQualificationFamilystr}} Change

    1. {{qualFam}}

Step 3. What is your subject? {{selectedSubjectstr}} Change

    1. {{qualSubject}}

Step 4. Your results

Exam timetables. Check the exam dates for all your Pearson qualifications

{{ gatDoctitle }}

Contact us

Contact us

See Contact us
Our commitment to customer service

Our commitment to customer service

We are committed to providing excellent service, so that you can focus on successful teaching and learning.

Contacting us by phone

You can contact customer services between 8am-5pm Monday to Friday, and the majority of calls will be answered by our helpful team within 40 seconds.

Emails and support cases

You can expect the majority of emails to customer services, or cases submitted through our support portal, to be answered within 2 working days. Where we are unable to resolve your query within 2 working days we will keep you updated until you have received a resolution.

Complaints and feedback

If there's something you're not happy with, we'd like you to tell us so that we can investigate, address your concerns, and improve on in the future. When you provide us with feedback, you will receive a response within 5 working days.

If you submit a complaint you will receive an acknowledgement within 2 working days. You may receive a response in writing or by phone, whichever is most appropriate. We aim to respond to complaints in 10 working days. Sometimes, to investigate your concerns fully and provide a detailed response, we’ll need longer than 10 days. If this is the case, we’ll contact you after 10 working days to update you on our progress.

How to give us your feedback or make a complaint

Live Chat

We are committed to offering our live chat service between 8:30am-4:30pm Monday – Friday. We’ve received fantastic feedback for this service, and you can access this through Edexcel Online and our support portal. You’ll receive a prompt and helpful reply from one of our customer services team.


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