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myBTEC Support
Internal verification

Find out about interanal verification for myBTEC.
How to send assignments for internal verification
- Select the assignments tab in your course and click into the assignment.
- Click ‘send to internal verifier’. If you have not yet planned your dates myBTEC will notice this and prompt you to do so, because the choice of dates are checked at IV.
- myBTEC will send an email prompt to the internal verifier. Once the IV has completed their review you will also be sent an email.
- When the assessor is ready for you as Internal Verifier to review an assignment you will receive an email and a task in your task list
- Click on the link in the email or in the task, provided you are logged into myBTEC you will go straight to the IV form. You can see the assignment brief on the next tab.
- At the top of the form there are 4 options, these options determine how many checks myBTEC can automate vs which you still need to undertake
- You can then complete the IV review just as you would offline
- When you have completed your feedback click ‘Send’ and the Assessor will be notified of your feedback. You can approve or reject the assignment. Once confirmed you will not be able to edit your form again.
- If you reject the assignment then the assessor can amend it and resend it to you.
- If you approve the assignment then the assignment cannot be edited again, although you can change the dates.
Once an Assessor has completed marking all the learners in an assessment the IV will be immediately notified by myBTEC.
- When the assessor is ready for you as Internal Verifier to sample an assessment you will receive an email and a task in your task list
- Click on the link in the email or in the task, provided you are logged into myBTEC you will go straight to the IV sampling form.
- You can see the assessment record sheets on the next tab.
- Select the learner that you would like to sample first
- Complete the form as you normally would, myBTEC will choose your final outcome based on your decisions above. Do not click ‘Finish all’.
- Select the next learner that you would like to sample, and repeat! You will see that the first learner’s status has changed to show that you have sampled them.
- When you have complete all learners click ‘Finish All’. You will be prompted to confirm that you have completed sampling. Once confirmed you will not be able to edit your form again.
- When you have completed your feedback click ‘Finish all and the Assessor will be notified of your feedback. You can approve or reject the assignment.
- If you reject the marking for any learner then the assessor can reassess and resend it to you.
- If you approve the marking then the progress tracker will update and the assessor will be notified that they can export it and issue it to the learners.
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