Register for ResultsPlus | Pearson qualifications
Services ResultsPlus

Register for ResultsPlus

How to set up your ResultsPlus account

Teachers and heads of department

Do you have a username and password for Edexcel Online? 

In most cases, this will let you access ResultsPlus. If you can't log in with your Edexcel Online account username and password, please ask your exams officer to update your account so that it's ResultsPlus enabled. 

Your exams officer will be able to set you up with a ResultsPlus account in minutes, and give you an Edexcel Online account username and password with ResultsPlus access enabled. 

Exams officers 

Each teacher or colleague delivering Edexcel qualifications must have their own ResultsPlus account. ResultsPlus access is enabled by having an Edexcel Online account with the option for ResultsPlus access ticked. Although Edexcel Online usernames and passwords are used to access ResultsPlus, if you only tick ResultsPlus access for a colleague, they won't have access to other Edexcel Online services (such as managing the examinations process).

You can give your colleagues access to ResultsPlus in two ways:

  • If a teacher already has an Edexcel Online account but can’t access ResultsPlus, you can edit their profile so that ResultsPlus access is ticked.
  • If a teacher does not already have an Edexcel Online account, you can set up a new account for them and enable ResultsPlus access.

Student access to ResultsPlus Direct

Please contact the exams officer in your school, or visit:  

ResultsPlus Direct

Are you sharing an account?

Sharing accounts is in breach of the terms and conditions of use and can have an impact on the service you experience.

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