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- > Classroom POP (LAN)
Classroom POP (LAN)
The Classroom/LAN version of the POP software allows you to deliver a number of tests at the same time.
You can allocate different learners' tests to different invigilators across a number of rooms. Your invigilators will be able to start and monitor progress throughout the tests.
The Classroom/LAN version of the POP software has four components that will need to be installed. You can find in-depth guidance in the installation and user guides below. You can also use the quick reference guidance further down this page.
We've created a free on-demand e-Learning course, which is focused on the Classroom/LAN version of the POP software. The training is fully interactive and includes a software simulation of each of the Classroom/LAN components. At the end of the course, you'll receive a certificate as proof of completion. Just click on the accordion below to complete the short form to get started.
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Classroom POP (LAN) information
Exam centre service machine
- Pentium III with 900Mhz processor
- Access to Internet (ADSL 1Mb minimum) via reliable ISP 10/100 Mbps network interface adapter
- Disk space according to centre size and needs a shared drive visible for all network users, with minimum 1Gb of space to be used for installation, test and response packages. This space will vary depending on the number of learners in the centre, the number and the size of tests
- Windows 7 (or above)
- Microsoft .Net 4.5 or above
- Firewall ports that need to be open 52221, 52222, 443.
Administrator and invigilator dashboard machines
- Pentium III with 900Mhz processor
- 2GB RAM memory
- 10/100 Mbps network interface adapter
- Printer (local or network) – optional
- Windows 7 (or above)
- Microsoft .Net 4.5 or above
- Firewall ports that need to be open 52221, 52222, 443.
Test player machines
- Pentium III with 900Mhz processor
- 1GB RAM memory
- 100MB storage capacity
- Minimum 1024 x 768 screen resolution
- 10/100 Mbps network interface adapter (for LAN mode only)
- Speakers/headphones (for sound based assessments)
- Windows Media Player 11 (or above)
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 (both x86 and x64 if 64bit Windows)
- Access to Internet (ADSL 1MB minimum) via reliable ISP (if using online mode)
- Windows 7 (or above)
- Microsoft .Net 4.5 or above
- Firewall ports that need to be open 52221 and 52222.
The Exam Centre Service is a piece of software that needs to be installed on the server or network computer. It allows local distribution of the software, including communication between the centre and the Pearson server.
The video below includes installation of all four components.
The administrator dashboard is used to download, activate and assign tests to specific rooms and invigilators within a centre. It is typically installed on the exam officer’s computer.
This video includes installation of all four components.
The invigilator dashboard is used by the invigilator to start tests, monitor test progress, print learner login details and mark candidates as absent. It is installed on the invigilator’s PC in every room where exams take place.
This video includes installation of all four components.
The test player is the software that the candidate logs into to sit the test. When the Test Player is accessed, all other applications on the machine will be closed. The test player is designed to stop, and provide a warning, if a learner attempts to access any other applications on the machine during the test. It will also do this if any applications start running in the background, as it will detect the activity.
This video includes installation of all four components.
Invigilator and rooms should be created before you prepare assessments.
Assessments can be prepared on the administrator dashboard up to 96 hours before the scheduled start time of the test. Tests can not be started until four hours before the scheduled start time and are available to start for up to four hours after.

You can mark a learner as absent on the administrator dashboard.
You can mark a learner as absent in the invigilator dashboard.

The learners will need the order number and their learner number to be able to log in to the test player to access their test. These can be found in the attendance register or in the learner logins document that you can find on either the invigilator dashboard or administrator dashboard.
Learners should wait until instructed by the invigilator to start their test.