Support topics
- Access to Scripts
Assessment services
Assignment checking service
- Certificate services
Degree Finder
Edexcel Online
- Mocks Service
- myBTEC
- Pearson Onscreen Platform
Progress to university
- ResultsPlus
- ResultsPlus Direct
- Remote Invigilation
Pearson Progress
Key dates
- Resources
- Overview
- Support topics
- Overview
- Access to Scripts
- Assessment services
- Assignment checking service
- Certificate services
- Communities
- Degree Finder
- Edexcel Online
- examWizard
- Mocks Service
- myBTEC
- Pearson Onscreen Platform
- Progress to university
- ResultsPlus
- ResultsPlus Direct
- Remote Invigilation
- Pearson Progress
- Rogo
- Key dates
- Resources
- Overview
Our Communities are online forums where teachers and exams officers can get guidance from subject experts and share information with peers.
They’re designed to facilitate communication and collaboration, and act as a platform for sharing best practice, knowledge, experience and ideas.
Is there a Community for me?
Almost certainly, yes! There are subject Communities for a wide range of subjects, from art and design to science. They’re managed by subject advisors, who regularly post useful documents and resources, and answer any questions you may have about teaching GCSE, A level or BTEC qualifications in your subject.
There are also Communities for:
- skills qualifications, led by the skills subject advisor
- examinations officers
- users of our myBTEC platform
You can browse the Communities without logging in, but to contribute you’ll need an Edexcel Online account. This will allow you to upload documents and ask and answer questions.