Offline POP
The Offline version of the POP software will allow you to deliver a single test at a time using a laptop without internet connection.
This version will allow you to download your learner’s test from the Pearson Assessor Dashboard (PAD) website and/or the Qualification Management Application (QMA) up to 96 hours before the scheduled start time of the test.
The Offline version of the POP software has one component which will need to be installed. You can find in-depth guidance in the installation and user guides below. You can also use the quick reference guidance further down this page.
We have two installers available for Offline and Online Mode.
.exe installer
Best for installing on to individual’s machines one at a time. The Installer checks the machine for prerequisites and will automatically download IIS Express or .NET 4.5 if it does not detect them.
.msi installer
Best for installing across a network to a number of machines simultaneously. It is recommended to check all machines meet the minimum requirements, if prerequisites can not be detected the installation will stop.
This video tutorial shows you how to install Pearson Onscreen Platform (offline)
We've created a free on-demand e-Learning course, which is focused on the Offline/Online version of the POP software. The training is fully interactive and includes a software simulation of the Pearson Assessor Dashboard and Offline Dashboard. At the end of the course, you'll receive a certificate as proof of completion. Just click on the link below to complete the short form to get started.
If you're unable to view the module content after completing the registration form, your browser may have been configured to block pop-up windows. Please refer to your browser's help pages for information on how to enable pop-ups.
Offline POP information
Minimum system requirements:
- Windows 7 SP1 or greater
- Dual Core Processor
- Minimum 10GB hard disk space
- RAM 512mb
- Network Adaptor installed
- Minimum screen resolution of 1024x768
- .Net Framework 4.5
- IIS Express 8
- Port 8080 open and availableThe test delivery platform is installed as part of the offline dashboard. This is used by the learner to take the test in either Offline or Online mode
- Full administration rights during installation
- Windows Media Player version 11 or above
Trusted Sites:
The Offline Dashboard is installed to allow tests, which have been downloaded, to be delivered to learners without the requirement of an internet connection. The dashboard is required to run tests in either Offline or Online mode.
The Test Delivery Platform is installed as part of the Offline Dashboard. This is used by the learner to take the test in either Offline or Online mode.
When the Test Delivery Platform is accessed, all other applications on the machine will be closed. The Test Delivery Platform is designed to stop and provide a warning if a learner attempts to access any other applications on the machine during the test. It will also do this if any applications start running in the background, as it will detect the activity.
PAD is a website that is used to access the tests you are going to deliver using the Offline or Online modes of POP. Tests which have been booked on Edexcel Online (EOL) and the Qualification Management Application (QMA) will appear on PAD.
PAD can be used to:
- view future tests
- download tests to deliver in Offline mode
- launch a test to deliver in Online mode
- mark learners as absent
- upload test responses back to Pearson.
A username and password is required to access the PAD website. This can be requested by contacting Customer Services.
Users who book and deliver tests to learners from across a number of subsites can view and access the tests using one PAD login. In order to switch centres click the dropdown menu to the right of the screen, select Switch Centre and then choose the subsite which you want to view tests for.
If you require access to more than one subsite please contact Customer Services.
The first time that PAD is accessed it is recommended that a PIN is generated. This can be done by clicking the dropdown menu to the right of the screen, then selecting Generate PIN.
The PIN is required to start a test for a learner. This is to ensure the security of the assessment, a PIN should not be shared with anyone.
The PIN will remain the same for all tests that you access unless a new one is generated. If a new PIN is generated all tests, which were downloaded previously and are waiting to be delivered, will need to be re-downloaded to ensure that they match the new PIN.
The purpose of this video is to explain how to create a PIN on the POP Assessor Dashboard. A PIN needs to be generated so that an assessor can run POP Offline tests.
Once a test has been selected and Download Test has been clicked, a page will appear asking the user to confirm the downloading of the package. Once this is clicked, the software will do some checks and you will see 4 instructions which should all change to Passed once all checks have been successfully completed.
Important: Pop-ups must be allowed for otherwise tests might not download/launch.
The purpose of this video is to show you how to download a test package on the POP Assessor Dashboard. Before a POP test can be taken offline, the test package must be downloaded.
Once a test has been downloaded it will appear in the Offline Dashboard. This is an installed piece of software which will appear on the desktop of the machine. As soon as the icon is clicked the PIN will be requested. After you login all downloaded tests will appear in the Available tab, from this area a test can be launched or marked as absent.
Before starting a test the declaration needs to be ticked to confirm that the learner is present and that an invigilator is ready to monitor the delivery of the assessment. The test can then be launched.
The purpose of this video is to show you how to launch a POP test through the POP Offline Dashboard.
Once a test has been completed it will appear in the Offline Dashboard. This is an installed piece of software which will appear on the desktop of the machine. As soon as the icon is clicked the PIN will be requested. After login a pop-up will appear with a notification of Pending Actions. If an internet connection is available and Yes is clicked, all pending test responses and absent marks will be uploaded. If No is clicked a manual upload will be required, this can be done by selecting Pending Upload from the menu.
All uploaded test information can be viewed in the Archive section which can be accessed from the menu.