Physical Education and Sport | Pearson qualifications

Physical Education and Sport

February update - PE and Sport

February update - PE and Sport


As we fast approach the summer series, are you ready, prepared and clear about the dates and deadlines? Do you need clarification on the process for an injured candidate for Component 3 on the GCSE PE specification, and when to apply for special consideration?

January update - BTEC Sport

January 2025 - PE and Sport update

December update- PE and Sport

Introducing Penny Lewis, our Subject Advisor for Physical Education and Sport.

Meet Penny Lewis
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Her role is to support you with the delivery of our qualifications, to help you understand the content and the assessment requirements and to answer any subject-specific queries you may have.

Popular topics

These are the most popular topics for BTEC in Sport and GCSE/GCE PE qualifications.

Useful documents

Specification - BTEC Level 2 Technical Diploma in Sport and Activity Leaders,
Specification - BTEC Level 2 Technical Diploma in Sport and Activity Leaders,
pdf | 4.2 MB

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