This service enables students to sit their high stakes Pearson Edexcel examinations securely from home or an alternative appropriate location, under the supervision and support of a live invigilator.

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Qualifications and subject availability 

The service is currently available for Pearson Edexcel International GCSE qualifications in the following subjects:

Paper-based Onscreen
Mathematics English Language A*
Further Mathematics English Literature
Biology Economics
Chemistry History
Physics Business
Science (Double Award)  
French/German/Spanish *  
Religious Studies  
Global Citizenship  

* Written components only. Spoken and coursework components are currently not available via remote invigilation and must therefore be conducted in a physical examination centre.

Please note we may not be able to support remote invigilation in some countries at this time. Please consult your Regional Development Manager for further information. 

Express Interest in using the Remote Invigilation Service by contacting your Regional Development manager or completing the form below.

International schools expression of interest form