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Edexcel Online
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- ResultsPlus
- ResultsPlus Direct
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Pearson Progress
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- Pearson Onscreen Platform
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- ResultsPlus
- ResultsPlus Direct
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- Pearson Progress
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- Resources
- Overview
ResultsPlus Direct

ResultsPlus Direct is a free online service that gives students a detailed breakdown of their performance in Edexcel exams.
Your exams officer or teacher can tell you whether your school or college has chosen to register you for this service. If you haven't been registered, don't worry, you can still collect your results from your school or college in the normal way. Results are released to students on ResultsPlus Direct from 09:00 on results days.
ResultsPlus Direct allows students to:
- view all of their historical Edexcel results in one place - qualifications available are A level, GCSE, Project, Digital Applications (CiDA and DiDA), Functional Skills, Principal Learning, Edexcel Award, Edexcel Certificate, PLSC, International A level and International GCSE
- see a question-by-question breakdown of their results
- compare their performance to that of all other Edexcel students
- use skills maps and highlight reports to identify areas of improvement
- view mock exam reports (from mock papers assigned by teachers from ResultsPlus Direct).
Quickstart guide to logging in to the ResultsPlus Direct administration area
2.4 MB
ResultsPlus Direct student service user guide
8.9 MB
ResultsPlus Direct
User tabs