The State of the Arts
This major new report is a health check on the UK’s arts and culture, bringing together vital information and official statistics on arts funding, provision, engagement, education and employment.
NEW: August Results Days Update
Check out the August Results Days update which includes all the key information and guidance you will need for results days, post-results services, understanding marks and grades, accessing reports, and supporting your students.
July Update for Art, Design and Media
June Update for Art, Design and Media
May Update for Art, Design and Media
NEW: August Results Days Update
July Update for Art, Design and Media
Check out the July update for Art, Design and Media. This update is full of helpful information and support regarding planning for the 2024-2025 school year, qualification updates, training opportunities, helpful resources and inspiration, and key dates.
June Update for Art, Design and Media
May Update for Art, Design and Media
NEW: August Results Days Update
July Update for Art, Design and Media
June Update for Art, Design and Media
Check out the June update for Art, Design and Media. This update is full of helpful information and support regarding planning for the school year, qualification updates, training opportunities, helpful resources and inspiration, and key dates.
May Update for Art, Design and Media
NEW: August Results Days Update
July Update for Art, Design and Media
June Update for Art, Design and Media
May Update for Art, Design and Media
Check out the May update for Art, Design and Media. This update is full of helpful information and support regarding delivery and assessment, qualification updates, training opportunities, helpful resources, creative inspiration, and key dates.
Here are the answers to some of the questions we are currently being asked. You can also find detailed information about each of the qualifications by following the subject links on the right side of the page. Also, feel free to contact me using the details above.
Because the artwork throughout the course can be submitted for assessment, it is considered 'live' until results day and review of marking and moderation has taken place in the students final year. As such, it is important that the artwork is kept secure until these dates as per JCQ regulations.
However, it is important to celebrate the students' work and you may hold an exhibition of artwork post-moderation. Many centres put up the artwork for moderation and then directly afterwards open this up to the public.
Any centres holding such an exhibition must regard all the work as still being 'live' and ensure that the exhibition is invigilated and that work remains secure. If work is taken out of secure conditions and a centre subsequently wishes to apply for review of marking and moderation after results day, this process could be compromised by loss of or damage to work that was in the sample.
The school must also consider how to reduce the risk of photographs of the exhibition appearing on social media accounts of visitors, as this would breach JCQ regulations.
JCQ guidelines require that 'live' work is kept secure until results day and review of marking and moderation (RoMM) dates have taken place.
If work is taken out of secure conditions and a centre subsequently wishes to apply for a review of marking and moderation after results day, this could be compromised by loss of or damage to work that was in the sample.
'When can marked work be removed from secure storage?
Internally assessed work that is not required for the moderation sample and work returned to centres after moderation must be stored securely until all possible post-results services have been exhausted. If post-results services have not been requested, internally assessed work may be returned to candidates after the deadline for requesting a review of results for the relevant series. If post-results services have been requested, internally assessed work may be returned once the review of results and any subsequent appeal has been completed.'
Access the JCQ Instructions for conducting non-examination assessments
Original learner evidence must be kept current, safe, and secure for 12 weeks after learners have been certificated.
Please note that the 12 weeks starts once the certificates have been received by the centre.
Due to the nature of the evidence produced for Art & Design practical work, this can be good quality photos or videos rather than the original evidence.
Whether you're new to delivering BTEC, or already offer our qualifications, the 'Delivery BTEC' page outlines how our BTEC processes and delivery cycle work. The steps will walk you through the different stages of delivery and provide handy guidance for the different topics.
We also have a dedicated page where you can find out more about quality assurance for BTEC L2 and L3 qualifications. This page includes bite-sized videos, free online events, useful centre guides/ documents and additional support.
We’ve prepared some templates, forms and guides to help you save time and fulfil your role in the BTEC assessment and verification process.
All of the 2024-2025 key dates for BTEC Tech Awards (2022) have been published and are available online.
All of the 2024-2026 key dates for T Level Craft and Design and Media, Broadcast and Production have been published and are available on the T Level Training and Admin Support webpage under 'Admin' then 'Key Dates'.
This major new report is a health check on the UK’s arts and culture, bringing together vital information and official statistics on arts funding, provision, engagement, education and employment.