Support topics
- Access to Scripts
Assessment services
Assignment checking service
- Certificate services
Degree Finder
Edexcel Online
- Mocks Service
- myBTEC
- Pearson Onscreen Platform
Progress to university
- ResultsPlus
- ResultsPlus Direct
- Remote Invigilation
Pearson Progress
Key dates
- Resources
- Overview
- Support topics
- Overview
- Access to Scripts
- Assessment services
- Assignment checking service
- Certificate services
- Communities
- Degree Finder
- Edexcel Online
- examWizard
- Mocks Service
- myBTEC
- Pearson Onscreen Platform
- Progress to university
- ResultsPlus
- ResultsPlus Direct
- Remote Invigilation
- Pearson Progress
- Rogo
- Key dates
- Resources
- Overview
We offer a range of publications from various publishers for all Edexcel and BTEC qualifications, so you can select those that suit you best.
{{ componentTitle }}
Loading, please waitStep 1. Select a qualification {{ step1Header | cleanTags }} Change
Step 2. Select a Subject {{step2Header | cleanTags}} Change
{{sub}}Step 3. {{ step3Title }} {{step3Header | cleanTags}}
- 1 {{ resultsLimit }} of {{ resultsLength }}
- Filter by:
- or
{{ document.title }}
Publisher: {{ document.category | getLooseMatch:"Publisher":true | cleanTags }}
Author: {{ document.author }}
{{ document.resourcetype }}
ISBN: {{ document.ISBN }}
No training currently available
Published resources
We publish a variety of resources to support our qualifications and make teaching and learning more effective.
Endorsed resources
Our endorsed resources have been reviewed by an independent team to ensure they offer the best support for teaching and learning.
Course materials
We offer a variety of course materials, including specifications, sample assessment materials and other support materials, to support our academic and vocational qualifications.