If a student takes the Level 1/2 Certificate in January 2014 and GCSEs in either Core/Additional or separate sciences in summer 2014, can the better result count in school performance tables as these are different qualifications? | Pearson qualifications

If a student takes the Level 1/2 Certificate in January 2014 and GCSEs in either Core/Additional or separate sciences in summer 2014, can the better result count in school performance tables as these are different qualifications?


If a student takes the Level 1/2 Certificate in January 2014 and GCSEs in either Core/Additional or separate sciences in summer 2014, can the better result count in school performance tables as these are different qualifications?


No. GCSE and Level 1/2 Certificate are considered to be in the same GCSE family, so it will be the first attempt (the January 2014 result) that will count.  


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