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- > Tracking grid
Tracking grid

Once assignments are marked, myBTEC automatically updates the tracking grid in the course, another bit of admin avoided!
It is important to set predicted unit grades, so that myBTEC can still calculate the overall grade that you can expect for that learner from day one, and see if any intervention is needed to meet their target. Predicted grades are replaced with real grades as assess.
- On the progress tab in your course, click ‘Set predictions and targets’.
- Select a target grade for a learner.
- Select a grade for each unit, these are your predictions for each learner.
- When you have finished, click the 'Save' button below. myBTEC will ask Pearson’s BTEC certification system what over all grade they would get with these unit grades and show you in the table you the difference to the learners target.
- From the horizontal navigation bar, select 'courses', then click 'manage courses' from the drop down menu.
- Select your course from the course list on the 'manage courses' page. This will open the 'course management' screen.
- Select the 'learner progress' tab from the 'course management' screen.
- Select the 'Export' option. (You can export the tracking grid as an excel or pdf file).
myBTEC takes its calculations directly from EOL in order to ensure the expected results when you submit the outcomes for your learners.
If your exams officer uses paper SRF forms, then myBTEC will save them more time, as Pearson accepts myBTEC printouts instead paper SRF forms.
Some learners may be taking a different combination of units from anothers. You can exclude a learner from a unit with 2 clicks.
- On the progress tab in your course, click ‘Edit unit exclusions’.
- Optional units are not selectable in the grid. Mandatory units are not selectable. For your learner click on the unit that they will not be entered. You’ll see it crossed out.
- Once all the edits have been completed, click the 'Save' button below. myBTEC will also ask Pearson’s BTEC certification system what over all grade they would get with remaining unit grades and show you in the table you the difference to the learners target.