March Psychology Subject Update
March Psychology Subject Update

This update has information on free multimedia resources for use in the classroom, examiner vacancies, exam technique videos and free training opportunities.
February Psychology Subject Update
January Psychology Subject Update
Subject Advisor Youtube Channel
March Psychology Subject Update
February Psychology Subject Update
February Psychology Subject Update

News of upcoming free training events for GCSE and A Level psychology, 'spotlights' on new free resources, and an opportunity to give your feedback on my monthly updates along with other general news.
January Psychology Subject Update
Subject Advisor Youtube Channel
March Psychology Subject Update
February Psychology Subject Update
January Psychology Subject Update
January Psychology Subject Update

This update contains news for teachers of GCSE, AL and IAL Psychology courses including key dates for the rest of the academic year, information on examiner and trainer recruitment, updates from the British Psychological Society and news of updated resources for International A Level psychology.
Subject Advisor Youtube Channel
March Psychology Subject Update
February Psychology Subject Update
January Psychology Subject Update
Subject Advisor Youtube Channel
Subject Advisor Youtube Channel

New videos are steadily being added to our channel, including a recent guide to using Exam Wizard to build practice exam papers. Short exam technique videos are aimed at students as well as teachers of GCSE and A Level Psychology. A recorded version of our November A Level Psychology exam feedback training is also available in three parts. This contains additional guidance and responses to questions raised during the live training.
Subject advisor
Tim Lawrence

Introducing our Subject Advisor for Psychology

Introducing Tim Lawrence, our Subject Advisor for Psychology. His role is to support you with the delivery of our qualifications, to help you understand the content and the assessment requirements and to answer any subject-specific queries you may have.
Popular topics

The following GCSE psychology topic guides have been designed to support teachers in their planning.
Useful documents
Find and book events
Find all the latest training and feedback events for Psychology.