BTECs are career-focused qualifications taken by over 1 million learners every year and are recognised in more than 70 countries worldwide.

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BTECs recognised in more than 70 countries worldwide

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The fourth industrial revolution, or Industry 4.0 is still evolving, and although we might not have the complete picture until we look back 30 years from now, employers are increasingly adopting Industry 4.0 processes in innovation, training and development.

Many companies are also grappling with how to upskill and develop their current workforce; this is where BTEC can support.

Our qualifications have been developed in partnership with educators, employers and governments, and provide a flexible pathway - combining knowledge, skills and their application to real-life scenarios - enabling learners to progress to higher education or employment. You can be sure that a BTEC-qualified candidate will have the skills and knowledge needed to upskill your workforce.

With over 40 years of proven success, more employers and higher education institutions across the globe are choosing BTEC-qualified candidates for their practical knowledge and employability skills.

What are the top 5 benefits of studying a BTEC?