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Edexcel Online
Edexcel Online is our self service portal for centre staff. Providing administrators with support at every stage of the qualification cycle, from approval to registration and entry, reporting of achievement and results, as well as post-results services.
It also gives teaching staff access to various services including online booking for training events. Your Edexcel Online username and password will also give you access to our secure resources and ResultsPlus.
If you're new to Edexcel Online, or if you have any queries, you can contact us.
To use Edexcel Online, you’ll need an account username and password.
If your centre is already registered for Edexcel Online, you should contact your Edexcel Online administrator and ask them to create a user account for you. If you do not know who the main Edexcel Online account holder is at your centre, please contact your examinations officer or head of centre initially, before contacting us.
Pearson will create and manage Edexcel Online accounts for examinations staff. All other roles (e.g., Teacher, Quality Nominee) will be managed by centres directly.
You'll need to use the e-mail address provided to you by your centre and this e-mail address will become your Edexcel Online username.
If you wish to create or edit existing exams administration staff accounts then please complete our online form - Update Head of Centre or Exams Officer form
If your centre is not already set up on Edexcel Online then please contact us.
To log into Edexcel Online, go to the Edexcel login page.
Also, download our Pearson Portal Authenticator
Enter your Edexcel Online username (This is the e-mail address that was used to create your account) and the password you have already set, tick the box to accept the terms and conditions and click ‘Log In’.
Once you're registered and set up apart from examinations staff, you'll be able to create additional user accounts for your colleagues, provided you have the authorisation to do so.
Pearson will create and manage Edexcel Online accounts for examinations staff. All other roles (e.g., Teacher, Quality Nominee) will be managed by centres directly.
Select ‘New accounts’ from the ‘Centre accounts’ menu and provide the new user’s details, including an email address for them to use as their Edexcel Online username.
Edexcel Online usernames must be unique, so each account holder at your centre will need a different email address.
Pearson will create and manage Edexcel Online accounts for examinations staff. All other roles (e.g., Teacher, Quality Nominee) will be managed by centres directly.
When setting up a new account, you'll need to specify what access you want the new user to have. This will involve ticking the relevant boxes from the list available in the ‘User Access Profile’ section of the new accounts screen.
Each profile gives the user access to different areas of the system. To view a description of each, hover the cursor over the relevant profile and you’ll see a tooltip appear giving a brief explanation of what it does.
To be able to create a new account (apart from examination staff accounts) or delete old ones, you'll need the ‘User accounts’ profile. However, you'll only be able to create new users with the same access as yourself. You cannot grant access to profiles unless you have them yourself.
If you need to give someone access to something you don’t already have, please speak to your exams officer first. If you are the sole exams officer or wish to create or edit existing exams administration staff accounts, please contact us .
Remember, you can give a user access to specific services without giving them permission to make any changes to the system. For example, a user with only the ResultsPlus profile ticked will only be able to access ResultsPlus services and not make candidate entries or book training events.
To be able to access secure content on our website, you'll need an Edexcel Online account, but you don't need any profile boxes ticking if all you want to do is download material. Access to these secure materials is granted based on the entries (estimated or actual) made by your centre.
Pearson will update and manage Edexcel Online accounts for examinations staff. All other roles (e.g., Teacher, Quality Nominee) will be managed by centres directly.
To update a non-examinations staff Edexcel Online account, click on the 'My account' link at the top of the page. If you have the 'User accounts’ profile, with the exception of examinations staff, you will also be able to update other users' accounts.
To update another user's account, hover over the 'Centre accounts' menu and you will see the 'List accounts' option which will allow you to see all registered users. Once you've found the account you want to update, click on the email address to bring up the details. Make the changes you require and select ‘Submit’.
Please note that if you change a user’s email address, the new address becomes the user’s Edexcel Online username immediately.
Pearson will update and manage Edexcel Online accounts for examinations staff. All other roles (e.g., Teacher, Quality Nominee) will be managed by centres directly.
To update a non-examinations staff Edexcel Online account, click on the 'My account' link at the top of the page. If you have the 'User accounts’ profile, with the exception of examinations staff, you will also be able to update other users' accounts.
To update another user's account, hover over the 'Centre accounts' menu and you will see the 'List accounts' option which will allow you to see all registered users. Once you've found the account you want to update, click on the email address to bring up the details. Make the changes you require and select ‘Submit’.
Please note that if you change a user’s email address, the new address becomes the user’s Edexcel Online username immediately.
If you haven’t logged into Edexcel Online for a while (we lock accounts after 18 months of inactivity) or you've forgotten your password, you’ll need to recover your account before logging in, to do this please follow these steps:

Enter your Edexcel Online username (This is the e-mail address used to create your account, if you're not sure which one was used, or if it has changed please ask your examinations officer to confirm it for you) then click submit.
We will send you an e-mail within a few minutes that contains a link, click on the link and you’ll be asked to choose a new password, this password needs to be between 8 and 15 characters in length and contain at least 1 number.
Note: This e-mail will come from eie.admin@pearson.com.
If you do not receive anything within 5 minutes please check these points:
- Did you enter the correct e-mail address in username field?
- Has our e-mail been intercepted by a junk/spam mail filter? – Please ask your IT department to check for any messages sent from eie.admin@pearson.com
If you experience a problem with Edexcel Online that you can't resolve yourself, please contact us. Try to give as much information as you can to help us resolve it for you, such as details of the menu option you were using, what you were querying and any messages that were displayed that you think are relevant.
We'll do our best to resolve your problem. However, we'd recommend that you speak to your in-house IT support before contacting us.