Support topics
- Access to Scripts
Assessment services
Assignment checking service
- Certificate services
Degree Finder
Edexcel Online
- Mocks Service
- myBTEC
- Pearson Onscreen Platform
Progress to university
- ResultsPlus
- ResultsPlus Direct
- Remote Invigilation
Pearson Progress
Key dates
- Resources
- Overview
- Support topics
- Overview
- Access to Scripts
- Assessment services
- Assignment checking service
- Certificate services
- Communities
- Degree Finder
- Edexcel Online
- examWizard
- Mocks Service
- myBTEC
- Pearson Onscreen Platform
- Progress to university
- ResultsPlus
- ResultsPlus Direct
- Remote Invigilation
- Pearson Progress
- Rogo
- Key dates
- Resources
- Overview
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- > Mocks Service
- > Post-mocks support
Post-mocks support

We've brought all our GCSE and A level post-mocks support and resources* together in one easy-to-access document.
To access all your post-mocks support from one place, download the PDF in your subject by qualification type below.
*You don't have to purchase any resources or training to deliver our qualifications.
Mocks Service - review of marking
We provide a review of marking service at a cost of £10 per assessment* per candidate. Please complete one form per candidate. You may consider this service if the results for one candidate are unexpected compared to rest of the cohort.
Candidates’ marks can go up, down, or stay the same.
*Pricing is correct as of June 2022, but may be subject to change.
ResultsPlus for Mocks Service
We have created guidance to support you in analysing your students' performance in mock exams through ResultsPlus.