ResultsPlus | Pearson qualifications


ResultsPlus is our online results analysis tool for teachers. Included as part of your qualification fees, ResultsPlus gives you a detailed breakdown of your students’ performance in Pearson Edexcel exams and BTEC external assessments.

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Why should I use ResultsPlus?

  • Provides detailed analysis of your learners performance.
  • Identify potential topics, skills and types of question where students may need to develop their learning further.
  • See actual scores for each exam question for a student, class or group.
  • Understand how your students’ performance compares with class and Pearson Edexcel national averages.
  • Acquire data that may support effective learning and teaching approaches. 
ResultsPlus Overview: An online results analysis tool
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ResultsPlus - register now

Sign up for your ResultsPlus account in just a few quick and easy steps.


ResultsPlus for teachers

Log in using your Edexcel Online username and password if you have ResultsPlus access.

Teacher login

ResultsPlus Direct for students

Log in using the username and password that your exams officer gave you.

Student login

ResultsPlus Guide documents


Where can I learn more about ResultsPlus?

ResultsPlus - A centres approach
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ResultsPlus - A centres approach

Hear how ResultsPlus helps support our customers qualification delivery and what the experience of using the service is like for learners, enabling them to continue their development.

Log in to ResultsPlus

Explore ResultsPlus Direct

ResultsPlus Direct

Give your students a detailed breakdown of their performance in Edexcel exams.

Explore ResultsPlus Direct

ResultsPlus for Post-16 Functionality

ResultsPlus functionality for post-16 centres

We have developed new functionality to enable post-16 centres to retrieve and analyse the ResultsPlus data for incoming learners from their feeder schools. This new functionality is now live and available to all centres.

Read more about the functionality

How do I use ResultsPlus?

Individual Student Analysis

An overview showing you how to analyse individual student performance using ResultPlus.

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Mock Results Analysis

An overview showing you how to analyse performance of your students in mock exams using ResultPlus.

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Global Analysis

An overview showing you how to analyse the performance of students in Pearson Edexcel exams at country level using ResultPlus.

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Cohort Analysis

An overview showing you how to analyse the performance of a cohort using ResultPlus.

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What schools and colleges love about ResultsPlus

ResultsPlus user quote 1

'ResultsPlus is a valuable resource in giving feedback on exam results, assisting tutors with tailoring future lessons.'

Kathryn Bailey, Functional Skills Tutor, Alliance Learning

ResultsPlus user quote 2

'I have used, and will continue to use, ResultsPlus feedback with learners as it is an extremely useful tool.'

Joe Dalston, Boston College

ResultsPlus user quote 1

'ResultsPlus is an invaluable resource for targeting areas for development.'

Anne Mearns, Functional Skills Tutor, Encompass Development Group

Find out more

You can access ResultsPlus by using your EdexcelOnline (EOL) account. If you require an EOL login, your exams officer can set this up for you. If you have an EOL account but can’t access ResultsPlus, ask your exams officer to update your account so that it's enabled.

For any further questions about ResultsPlus and how to help make it benefit you and your learners, please contact us.


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