Pearson Edexcel is the brand name for academic and general qualifications from Pearson, including GCSEs and A levels, as well as some vocational qualifications, including NVQs and Functional Skills.

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Designed to advance learners’ skills while developing knowledge, Edexcel’s qualifications help learners either progress to higher education or go directly into employment. They are grounded in the quality and traditions of the British education system made relevant for today’s UK and international learners.

In the UK, Edexcel qualifications are suitable for a wide range of learners aged from 14 to 19. International schools can also offer the Edexcel Primary and Lower Secondary Curricula, so learners range from 8 to 19 years old.

What is Edexcel?

Edexcel is a qualification brand for academic and generation qualifications from Pearson.

Edexcel began as an awarding organisation following the merger of London Examinations and BTEC in 1996. After Pearson became our awarding organisation in April 2013, Edexcel became a qualification brand, now standing as one of Pearson’s leading brands.

More about Edexcel's qualifications

Our qualifications, teaching and learning resources are all designed to get the best out of each and every learner.