Support topics
- Access to Scripts
Assessment services
Assignment checking service
- Certificate services
Degree Finder
Edexcel Online
- Mocks Service
- myBTEC
- Pearson Onscreen Platform
Progress to university
- ResultsPlus
- ResultsPlus Direct
- Remote Invigilation
Pearson Progress
Key dates
- Resources
- Overview
- Support topics
- Overview
- Access to Scripts
- Assessment services
- Assignment checking service
- Certificate services
- Communities
- Degree Finder
- Edexcel Online
- examWizard
- Mocks Service
- myBTEC
- Pearson Onscreen Platform
- Progress to university
- ResultsPlus
- ResultsPlus Direct
- Remote Invigilation
- Pearson Progress
- Rogo
- Key dates
- Resources
- Overview
Degree Finder
Our Degree Finder (DF) tool has been created for students studying a Pearson BTEC Higher National qualification who are looking for progression options to university. The DF also guides parents, teachers, and school support staff to help students make informed decisions.
You can use the DF before, during or after completing your Pearson course to help you plan your next steps, and we recommend that you read through the user guidance before searching. Look for a direct pathway by entering the specific Higher National subject, including the level and pathway, to find out where your qualification can take you.
For Pearson Edexcel International A level progression information, please visit our progress to university page.
Promoting the Degree Finder
These assets can be printed out and displayed by our Higher National centres.
This postcard can be distributed as a print or digital version to promote the benefits of the tool.