Results plus for Functional Skills | Pearson qualifications

ResultsPlus for Functional Skills

ResultsPlus for Functional Skills

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ResultsPlus, now available for Functional Skills Maths and English, Levels 1 and 2, giving you a behind-the-grade insight into your learners performance.

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ResultsPlus for Functional Skills will allow you to view a individual or cohorts results in varied formats. As shown in the video guide, there are different charts, graphs and percentages are used to present results as a whole and within certain units of the course.  

This convenient service can help you reduce the amount of test retakes; keep a track of each learner; monitor the understanding of certain topics; make teaching a more personal experience and much more…

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You can access ResultsPlus by using your EdexcelOnline (EOL) account. If you require an EOL login, your exams officer can set this up for you. If you have an EOL account but can’t access ResultsPlus, ask your exams officer to update your account so that it's enabled.

For any further questions about ResultsPlus and how to help make it benefit you and your learners, please contact us.

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