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- > Access to Scripts
- > What is Access to Scripts?
What is Access to Scripts?
Pearson is the only awarding organisation to provide access to your students’ marked exam papers included as part of your qualification fees.
This popular online post-results service was used in summer 2023 by over 5,500 centres accessing over 590,000 scripts online across 595 of our summer exams, providing more transparency of marked scripts.
Available for all GCSE, International GCSE, AS, A level and BTEC qualifications from results day, allowing teachers to access their candidates’ exam papers for all scripts that have been marked online*.
What is the Access to Scripts service and how do I use it?
- The online portal allows you to view your candidates’ marked scripts online or download as a PDF.
- It is a self-service portal via Edexcel Online giving you instant access to scripts.
- You will be able to evaluate how your candidates performed on particular questions and how that is reflected in their final grade.
- It will help you to identify skills gaps so you can tailor future teaching plans.
Please note that written permission must be gained from candidates before scripts can be accessed.
You can use the Access to Scripts service to help decide if you wish to request a review of marking. Please take note of the deadlines for requesting a review of marking for different qualifications as requests submitted after the deadlines will not be accepted.
*This service is available for any exam paper that has been marked online. Please note that the exam papers will not have any examiners annotation on them, purely the mark received for each question. You can still request free script copies which have not been marked online but these will not appear on the script portal.