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The subjects below contain conditions that a centre must meet in order to enter a private candidate.
Work to be monitored at stages from the beginning of project to completion for both preparatory studies and final outcome
Component 1 and 2 have the following requirements that must be met:-
- candidates must be directly supervised for sufficient portion of the creation of the portfolio to allow authentication
- meet minimum group size requirements
- performances / design realisation must be in front of a live audience.
Component 2
- candidates are required to be supervised for an unspecified but significant number of contact hours (at least 40) in an environment where the use of equipment and machinery in the presence of hazards is expected
- unsupervised access to portfolios and final pieces outside contact hours is not permitted.
Please refer to the published specification and JCQ guidelines for full details of conditions that must be met.
The endorsement has the following requirements that must be met:
- the entering centre must provide the opportunity to complete this endorsement and be able to supervise, authenticate and mark the non-exam assessment.
- the endorsement can be carried forward if previously certificated.
Please refer to the published specification and JCQ guidelines for full details of conditions that must be met.
Work to be monitored at stages from the beginning of project to completion for both preparatory studies and final outcome.
Centres must ensure external candidates have attended 2 days of fieldwork.
Centres must ensure external candidates have attended 2 days of fieldwork.
Work to be monitored at stages from the beginning of project to completion for both preparatory studies and final outcome.
Component 1
- the centre making the entry (host centre) must make arrangements allowing for the candidate's performance to be internally assessed and standardised
- this includes the candidate's final performance being supervised and authenticated by a teacher/tutor/ assessor under controlled conditions to verify the submission
- the host centre must be able to present the candidate's marks and full evidence (recording, reference material) to the allocated moderator
- the candidate's work must be available for sampling by the coursework submission deadline
- requirements and conditions stipulated in the specification must be met (see specification).
Component 2
- the centre making the entry (host centre) must make arrangements allowing for the candidate's composition to be internally assessed and standardised
- the candidate's final composition must be completed under controlled conditions in the host centre as per the requirements of the specification (minimum of five hours including final write up and recording)
- their work must be supervised and authenticated by a teacher/tutor/ representative of the centre to verify the submission
- the host centre must be able to present the candidate's marks and full evidence (recording, reference material) to the allocated moderator
- the candidate's work must be available for sampling by the coursework submission deadline
- requirements and conditions stipulated in the specification must be met (see specification).
Component 3
- exam based, must be completed under controlled conditions on the set exam date. CD player must be available for the audio.
Please refer to the published specification and JCQ guidelines for full details of conditions that must be met.
Requirements and conditions stipulated in the specification must be met.
Component 3:
- the centre making the entry (host centre) must make arrangements allowing each of the candidate's performances to be internally assessed and standardised allowing the host centre to present these marks in the PE2MS form for the allocated moderator
- the host centre must be able to present complete evidence (both skills in isolation and formal/competitive situation) for the candidate's chosen activities via recording or during a live moderation visit if the candidate is selected as part of the moderation sample.
Component 4:
- the centre making the entry (host centre) must make arrangements allowing the candidate's work to be internally assessed and standardised allowing the host centre to then also submit a centre mark
- the candidate's work must be available for sampling by the coursework submission deadline
- candidates must carry out their chosen method(s) of training over six to eight continuous weeks allowing them to collect data using PARQ forms, training records and any other relevant methods for later analysis and evaluation to indicate the impact of their training on their targeted aspect of performance or targeted component of performance
- carrying out and producing the PEP can take place across multiple sessions however must not exceed the combined duration of 12 hours.
Please refer to the published specification and JCQ guidelines for full details of conditions that must be met.
Work to be monitored at stages from the beginning of project to completion for both preparatory studies and final outcome.
Work to be monitored at stages from the beginning of project to completion for both preparatory studies and final outcome.
Work to be monitored at stages from the beginning of project to completion for both preparatory studies and final outcome.
Component 2:
- the centre making the entry (host centre) must make arrangements allowing each of the candidate's performances to be internally assessed and standardised allowing the host centre to present these marks in the PE2MS form for the allocated moderator
- the host centre must be able to present complete evidence (both skills in isolation and formal/competitive situation) for the candidate's chosen activities via recording or during a live moderation visit if the candidate is selected as part of the moderation sample.
Please refer to the published specification and JCQ guidelines for full details of conditions that must be met
Spoken Language Endorsement:
- centre must supervise, authenticate and mark spoken element.
Component 3:
- centre must supervise, authenticate and mark non-examined assessment.
Spoken Language Endorsement:
- centre must supervise, authenticate and mark spoken element.
Spoken Language Endorsement:
- centre must supervise, authenticate and mark spoken element.
Component 3:
- centre must supervise, authenticate and mark non-exam assessment.
Spoken Language Endorsement:
- internally assessed and externally monitored by Pearson
- work should be marked in time for Pearson to monitor the marking.