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Business and Enterprise

March 2025 BTEC update for Business, Applied Law, Enterprise and Marketing

March 2025 BTEC update for Business, Applied Law, Enterprise and Marketing

Online communication

After results day (20 March) there is a brief window (until 28 March) to re-enter any learners who would like to resit the external assessment taken in January. We would also invite your feedback on the 2026 January and May provisional timetables before 21 March. The ERA resources are partially organised in line with units on the BTEC Nationals in Business and certainly worth a look.

March 2025 update for GCSE, A level, IAL and International GCSE Business

T Level Accounting

The Colour Accounting Learning System

March 2025 BTEC update for Business, Applied Law, Enterprise and Marketing

March 2025 update for GCSE, A level, IAL and International GCSE Business

March 2025 update for GCSE, A level, IAL and International GCSE Business

Online communication

This update invites you to look at our examiner vacancy pages and the chance to work with us for the May/June 2025 exam series. We would also invite you to provide feedback on the 2026 provisional exam timetables before the 21 March deadline.

T Level Accounting

The Colour Accounting Learning System

March 2025 BTEC update for Business, Applied Law, Enterprise and Marketing

March 2025 update for GCSE, A level, IAL and International GCSE Business

T Level Accounting

T Level Accounting


The assessment support page summarises feedback from examiners' reports and includes information on grade boundaries. It also includes a link to the delivery support page.

The Colour Accounting Learning System

March 2025 BTEC update for Business, Applied Law, Enterprise and Marketing

March 2025 update for GCSE, A level, IAL and International GCSE Business

T Level Accounting

The Colour Accounting Learning System

The Colour Accounting Learning System

Mobile phone-tablet

This article makes practical suggestions for introducing a powerful and effective learning system into your teaching. Accompanying the article is free access to the Accounting Cafe online course “Teach Accounting with Confidence”.

Introducing Colin Leith, our Subject Advisor for Business, Economics and Esports

Meet Colin Leith
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His role is to support you with the delivery of our qualifications, to help you understand the content and the assessment requirements and to answer any subject-specific queries you may have.

Popular topics

Here are some topics which are featuring frequently in questions from teachers.

What resources are available to help me teach GCSE Business?

Where can I find exam materials like question papers, mark schemes and examiners' reports?

How can examiners' reports help me to better understand the requirements of the different command verbs?

What grade boundaries should I use?

Where are the grade statistics which can show me the percentage of candidates achieving each grade?

What resources are available to help me teach International GCSE Business?

Where can I find exam materials like question papers, mark schemes and examiners' reports?

How can examiners' reports help me to better understand the requirements of the different command verbs?

What grade boundaries should I use?

Where are the grade statistics which can show me the percentage of candidates achieving each grade?

Where can I find out about both free and paid-for resources to help support my teaching of Edexcel A level Business?

Where can I find exam materials like question papers, mark schemes and examiners' reports?

How can examiners' reports help me to better understand the requirements of the different command verbs?

What grade boundaries should I use?

Where are the grade statistics which can show me the percentage of candidates achieving each grade?

Where can I find resources to support my teaching of IAL Business?

Where can I find exam materials like question papers, mark schemes and examiners' reports?

How can examiners' reports help me to better understand the requirements of the different command verbs?

What grade boundaries should I use?

Where are the grade statistics which can show me the percentage of candidates achieving each grade?

Where can I find resources to support my teaching of Business BTEC Nationals?

Where can I find exam materials like question papers, mark schemes and examiners' reports?

How can examiners' and SSV reports help me to better understand the requirements of the external and internal assessments?

What grade boundaries should I use?

In what way is the new (2022) Tech Award different from the legacy specification?

How do the PSAs work?

How does moderation work?

Where can I find resources to support my teaching of T Level Accounting?

How can examiners' reports help me to better understand the requirements of the assessments?

We have templates, forms and guides to help you save time and fulfil your part in the BTEC assessment and verification process with ease.

You’re welcome to use your own forms and templates, but it may be worth referring to ours to ensure you’ve got the essentials covered. 

You will find:

  • assessment and verification forms
  • employer involvement forms
  • higher national forms

Original learner evidence should be kept current, safe and secure for up to 12 weeks after learners have been certificated.

Following learner certification, assessment records (feedback sheets) and the associated internal verification documentation need to be kept for a minimum of three years.

This is taken from the BTEC Centre Guide to Internal Assessment which has a detailed section on retention of learner work and assessment records on pages 16 and 17.

Read the BTEC Centre Guide to Internal Assessment:

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Useful documents

Pearson Edexcel A Level Business: Specification
Pearson Edexcel A Level Business: Specification
pdf | 561.4 KB

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