Quality Nominees | Pearson qualifications

Quality Nominees

The home of Quality Assurance

Here you will find everything you need to know about Vocational Quality Assurance across BTEC, Work-based Learning, Higher Nationals and Functional Skills.

Our web pages are designed to give you access to more content and link specifically to each quality assurance model. Select the model below:

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BTEC Entry Level 3

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Work-based learning

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BTEC Tech Awards 2022

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Functional Skills

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Higher Nationals

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Academic Management Review

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Latest updates

5 July BTEC claiming deadline

You must make all your BTEC full award qualification claims and BTEC Tech Award cash-ins by 5 July for all learners expecting to receive a result in August.

Vocational Quality Assurance Newsletters

Is the Quality Nominee identified at your centre?

All vocational centres need to identify a Quality Nominee on Edexcel Online (EOL). This can be updated by the centre Exams Officer by selecting the following within the user account: 

  • the primary job role: 'Quality Nominee'
  • ticking the box, ‘Please check this box if you are the Quality Nominee for your centre’.

This will enable the Quality Nominee to receive communications from Pearson relating to our quality assurance activities outlined within our centre guides.


Our VQ Bulletin will contain the most up to date information relating to our BTEC qualifications with regular updates emailed to you once registered.

Sign up to VQ Bulletins

Find your Pearson Quality Advisor (PQA)

Find your Vocational Quality Assurance Manager (VQAM)

Regional map

Here you will find which of our team members will be your centres point of contact for all things related to vocational quality assurance

Key links

New to the role?

If you are a new Quality Nominee, use our dedicated page to get you started.

Learn more

Events & support

We offer a wide range of free 'live' events and On-Demand CPD training packs

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BTEC forms and guides

Download assessment, internal verification and planning templates.

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Need help?

Get in touch with your Vocational Quality Assurance Manager (VQAM).

Contact us

Quality updates

Receive our monthly updates on quality assurance.


Video guides

Our YouTube channel is regularly updated with the latest videos.


Find answers

Search our knowledge database to find the article that best answers your question or resolves your issue.

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Quality Nominee Community

Covering everything quality assurance for all our vocational qualifications, the community is run by the Vocational Quality Assurance Management (VQAM) team and is a quick and easy way to ask us questions directly or collaborate with colleagues.

Quality Assurance catch-ups

These online drop-in sessions with your Vocational Quality Assurance Manager are designed to discuss current Quality Assurance activities and answer related questions.


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