Results for students and parents | Pearson qualifications

Results for students and parents

Results for students and parents
You’ll find information to support you in your next steps as you get your grades on results day.
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Results dates

Below are the results dates for all Pearson qualifications.

Students are permitted to receive their results on the results days from 8am (UK).

Students with access to ResultsPlus Direct will be able to see their results on the results days from 9am (UK).

 Exam     session Results to centres Results to students Qualification
Oct-24 15/01/2025 16/01/2025 IAL, iPrimary, iLowerSecondary
Nov-24 08/01/2025 09/01/2025 GCSE English Language and Mathematics
Nov-24 22/01/2025 23/01/2025 International GCSE
Jan-25 05/03/2025 06/03/2025 International A level, Project (EPQ and Levels 1 and 2) and Edexcel Award
Jan-25 19/03/2025 20/03/2025 BTEC Nationals, Firsts and Tech Awards (from 2022)
Feb-25 02/04/2025 03/04/2025 BTEC Firsts and Tech Awards (from 2017)
Mar-25 23/04/2025 24/04/2025 BTEC Level 2 Technicals
Jun-25 13/08/2025 14/08/2025 AS/A level, AEA, Edexcel Award Level 3, EPQ and Mathematics in Context, International A level
Jun-25 06/08/2025 * 14/08/2025 BTEC Nationals
Jun-25 20/08/2025 21/08/2025 GCSE, International GCSE, Project Level 1 and 2, Edexcel Award Level 1 and 2, and ELC(A), iPrimary, iLowerSecondary
Jun-25 15/08/2025 * 21/08/2025 BTEC Firsts, Level 2 Technicals and Tech Awards (from 2017 and from 2022)

* These are embargoed released dates specifically for registrations that are pending an external assessment result from summer 2024. Qualifications that are 100% internally assessed or are not awaiting an external assessment result from summer 2024 are not embargoed and can be released once an overall qualification grade is awarded.

Results support

During the results period you can contact our Learner, Parent and Carer support team using our customer portal. Our portal provides you with the option to call, message or live chat the team.


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Results information

Grade boundaries

Grade boundaries (and pass marks) indicate the minimum marks needed to achieve a certain grade.

Find grade boundaries

Appeals and post-results services

Get information on how our review of marking works.

View our post-results services

Mark conversion

Easily translate your exam scores into final marks with our grade-converter and component-scaling tools.

Convert marks, points and grades

Understanding marks and grades

Guidance on how we mark assessments and calculate grades.

Learn more about marking

Understand your results

Understanding your results

Confused by your results slip? Find out how your qualification has been marked and graded in 2022:


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