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- > Entry procedure for Private Candidates
Entry procedure for Private Candidates
Once a centre has accepted you as a private candidate, you will need to provide them with the information they require in order to make an entry for the exams you wish to take. You will need to contact the exams officer for any queries you may have in relation to your entry or results
You will need to pay your centre any fees associated with your exams. Our UK fees are published on our centre administration fees page, however your centre may charge additional administration fees.
Please note Pearson has no control over the administration fees charged by your centre; any queries about fees need to be directed to your centre.
What your centre is responsible for
The centre who accepts private candidates are responsible for the following:
- making the exam entry
- issuing you a statement of entry and exam timetable
- issuing pre-release material that you might need
- making any access arrangements or special consideration requests you require
- issuing results to you
- issuing certificates to you
More information can be found on the JCQ website
For more information on how to register with a centre as a private candidate, search our UK exam centres.
What you are responsible for
You are responsible for the following:
- informing your centre of the qualifications and subjects you wish to take
- checking your entry documents
- informing your centre of any access arrangements or special consideration requests you require
- making post results requests for reviews of marking or appeals.
Subjects available to private candidates
Subjects with 100% externally assessed components will be marked by Pearson and are available to private candidates. Please view our list of subjects that contain coursework, controlled assessment or endorsement components.
Not all centres will offer these subjects, or may not be able to accomodate a private candidate during the classroom time necessary for them to supervise and authenticate the completion of your non-examined assessments. Therefore,it is important that you check to ensure that they can offer to support you in the completion of all assessment components before confirming the entry.
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Advice for private candidates sitting GCSEs and AS/A levels with non-exam assessments (NEA) and endorsements
Some GCSE and AS/A level qualifications do not only have timetabled written exams, but also include non-exam assessments (NEA). NEA can include coursework, controlled assessment or an endorsement. Candidates studying subjects such as A level English or A level History will need to complete an NEA as well as timetabled exams to achieve the qualification.
Subjects which include a practical or spoken language endorsement are reported separately on certificates and don't contribute to the GCSE or A level grade.
Where an endorsement is attached to the GCSE or AS/A level, your exam centre can only accept your entry if they are willing to provide you the opportunity to complete the endorsement. Pearson will require them to sign a declaration to confirm this.
Your exam centre is responsible for all aspects of the NEA which includes title/task setting, supervision, authentication, marking and following all administration requirements specified by Pearson. Please note that Pearson is not able to mark completed NEA even if you have completed it with a private tutor.