Registration and entry data | Pearson qualifications
Registrations and entries Academic registration and entries

Registration and entry data

This page explains all the different kinds of entry data:

  • candidate details
  • candidate numbers
  • Unique Candidate Identifiers (UCIs) and how to create them
  • specification and unit codes
  • option codes
  • cashing in.
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Candidate details

We can accept the following characters in your registrations and entries: A-Z ‘ . : ( ) / - .

We'll remove all other characters and change lower case characters to upper case. Please do not use accents (diacritical characters). We'll amend any names that are submitted in an incorrect format.

Please use the candidate's full, legal name and use the same name every time you make an entry.

We use the name, date of birth and the Unique Candidate Identifier (UCI) number to track candidates’ progression in modular exams, so please try to ensure these are correct in every examination session.

Candidate number

The candidate number is a four-digit reference number within the range 0001–9999 and is unique to each candidate in each series. You'll need to allocate them at your centre; they may be automatically generated by your MIS software.

Unique Candidate Identifier (UCI)

A unique candidate identifier (UCI) is a reference that's unique to a candidate and lasts for the duration of their study career. It's used to aggregate unit results for modular exams. Without it, candidates may not be given their full results.  

Specification and unit codes

In each exam series you'll need to make entries for exams or for controlled assessment units, or to cash in awards.

If you want to claim a grade for a candidate for a modular subject, you'll need to enter the specification cash-in code as well as the unit codes.

We won't award an overall subject grade until you have entered the cash-in for the candidate. We will only certificate a candidate who has achieved the units needed to be eligible for the award and who has the appropriate cash-in. Learn more about candidate eligibility for subject awards.

Cash-in entries do not generate unit entries.

Option codes

Some specifications include multiple options. The option you choose normally affects what materials we'll send you once you've made the entry. If no option code is shown, all papers are compulsory or there is only one option code available in that examination series.

If you make an entry and you do not supply an option code where one is required, or you submit multiple option codes for the same candidate, we'll assume the option in order to make the entry. We'll inform you of the options chosen for each candidate in the entry clearance documentation (on statements of entry, candidate listings and the queries outstanding list).

Changes to option codes made after the amendment date will result in late fees.

Candidates cannot attempt more than one option for a unit in the same examination series.

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