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Making academic entries
You can register candidates and make entries using Edexcel Online (EOL) or by Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).
Edexcel Online (EOL) is a secure web portal that allows you access to a variety of Edexcel services. You'll need to be registered to use this service, either by an existing user at your centre (normally your exams officer) or by contacting us.
Learn how to use Edexcel Online to make registrations and entries
You can carry out a wide range of administrative activities using Edexcel Online (EOL), including:
- Creating and amending registrations and entries
- Searching for, and downloading, reports of existing registrations and entries
- Reporting coursework/portfolio marks
- Accessing post-results services
- Tracking processing of electronic data interchange (EDI) files
- Checking that candidates are eligible for awards
- Downloading results reports.
How to make entries
You can use Edexcel Online to make entries individually or you can use a spreadsheet to make many entries at once.
EDI is a service for centres that use a Management Information System (MIS). If you choose to make registrations and entries by EDI, we recommend that you still also have an Edexcel Online account so that you can use other facilities, such as EDI file tracking and access to entry and results reports.
Making entries by EDI
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a service for centres that use a Management Information System (MIS). If you use EDI to make registrations and entries, you need to set up and use the A2C Migration Application to send EDI files. You can learn more about A2C here.
To receive files using A2C, you simply need to click the 'Send/Receive files' button in the inbox. From here you can import files into your MIS.
To send files to us, you'll need to import them into A2C from your MIS, and then click the 'Send/Receive files' button in the outbox.
For more information, read the EDI FAQs for academic qualifications at the bottom of this page.
JCQ basedata
Basedata is used to make entries via your Management Information System (MIS). JCQ basedata is used for academic qualifications.
We support the latest version of the JCQ format (14). However, if you require an earlier JCQ version, please contact us, or email eprocessing@pearson.com.
You can find more information about JCQ basedata on the JCQ website.
More information
Find out about specific MIS support for EDI software packages.
Download basedata
You can download basedata here.
Entries June 2021
Automatic processing of entries (EDI and Edexcel Online) for General Qualifications for the Summer 2021 series will be closed on 18 June 2021.
You will be unable to make any entries or amendments from this date via Edexcel Online or EDI.
For any entry or amendments required after the 18 June, please email the details across using the 'Making academic entries' spreadsheet to eprocessing@pearson.com.
Please also provide the reason for the late entry/amendment, along with supporting evidence to show this candidate had completed the course- for example, attendance records or enrollment records.
If you have any further queries regarding this, please email eprocessing@pearson.com.