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Find exam timetables for Edexcel qualifications for all UK and international examinations.
Changes to the final exam timetables after they are published are summarised on the useful information page.
Visit the Provisional exam timetables page for upcoming series.
You'll find final timetable information for all Edexcel GCSEs below.
You'll find timetable information for all Edexcel A Level below.
Timetable information for all Edexcel International GCSEs is available below.
You can download exam timetables for the Edexcel Awards below.
All BTEC qualifications contain an element of external assessment in addition to the internal assessment.
You can see details of Edexcel L3 Mathematics in Context (Core Maths) below.
T Level examination timetables are available below.
You'll find timetable information for all Level 2 Extended Mathematics Certificate below.
Please read these timetables alongside our documents regarding start times for international centres.
Please read this timetable alongside our documents regarding start times for international centres.
Timetable for all international regions
Some of our international GCSEs have alternative regional 'R' papers.
For information on which subjects have 'R' papers, and which countries should enter for these, please see the GCSE and International GCSE section of the international information manual.
For November series there will not be a 'R' paper timetable. Instead, exams in this series will predominantly be scheduled in the AM slot (GMT) to ensure that centres can run exams at reasonable local times.
Timetables for all international regions
International 'R' paper timetables
You can see details of Edexcel L3 Mathematics in Context (Core Maths) below.
You'll find timetable information for all Level 2 Extended Mathematics Certificate below.