International Advanced Level results explained for students | Pearson qualifications
Results and certification

Edexcel International A level results explained

Find out more about your International A level results, and read the answers to some frequently asked questions.

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Important dates

Exam Session Results released Certificates sent to schools and colleges by:
Summer 2023

Wednesday 16 August 2023: results available via EDI and Edexcel Online.

Thursday 17 August 2023: results can be issued to candidates from 8 a.m.

7th November 2023

Results are released on ResultsPlus Direct from 9am (UK time) to students who've been registered for the service. If you don't have login details for ResultsPlus Direct, you'll need to check with your school or college to find out what time your results will be ready to collect.

How are Edexcel International A levels marked and graded?

Edexcel International A levels are modular qualifications made up of four or six separate units. You can complete individual units at different times throughout your course.

Usually, you’ll do half of the units in your first year of college or sixth form – this is your International AS level. You’ll then complete the remaining units in your second year of college or sixth form – this is your International A2.

You’ll be issued a UMS mark and grade for each unit and then when you complete the course you’ll ‘cash in’ to get an overall International AS or International A level grade.

  • International AS units and cash-ins are graded A to E.
  • International A2 units are graded A to E, but we publish the theoretical A* boundary.
  • International A Level cash-ins are graded A* to E.

If you don't get enough marks to pass with an E you'll be awarded a U, which means 'unclassified'.

Frequently asked questions

When will you send my results to UCAS?

If you are completing your International A levels this autumn and are a UCAS applicant, we'll send your results to UCAS the day before results day. They collate your Pearson results with any other results you have from other awarding organisations and send these to the universities and colleges from which you've had offers.

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