Edexcel Functional Skills results explained for students | Pearson qualifications
Results and certification

Edexcel Functional Skills results explained

Find out more about your Functional Skills results, and read the answers to some frequently asked questions.

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Important dates

Results released Certificates sent to schools and colleges:

Within 28 days of your onscreen test

Within 28 days of receipt of your completed paper based on demand test

Within 2 weeks of your results day

How are Edexcel Functional Skills marked?

Edexcel Functional Skills qualifications are available at Entry level 1-3, Level 1 and Level 2 in English, Mathematics and ICT. Our Edexcel Entry level Functional Skills qualifications are assessed on demand by your teacher and results are externally verified by us. We assess our Edexcel Level 1 and 2 Functional Skills qualifications using computer-based tests or paper-based exams.

Edexcel Level 1 and 2 Functional Skills English

Our Edexcel Level 1 and Level 2 Functional Skills English qualifications are broken down into 3 units which can be completed at different times throughout your course. You'll receive a Pass (P) or Unclassified (U) for each unit and then, when you've passed all three units, you'll receive a certificate.

Each unit tests a different skill and is assessed in a different way:

Unit Assessment
Unit 1: Speaking, Listening and Communication

Assessed by your teacher

Unit 2: Reading

Assessed by either a paper-based exam or onscreen, on-demand test

Unit 3: Writing

Assessed by either a paper-based exam or onscreen, on-demand test

To achieve an overall Pass for our Edexcel Functional Skills English qualifications you need to obtain a Pass in each of the three units at or above the level you are studying. If you don't achieve a Pass in a unit the first time around, you can resit that component, carrying forward any passing grades in other units.

Edexcel Level 1 and 2 Functional Skills ICT

Our Edexcel Level 1 and Level 2 Functional Skills ICT qualifications are assessed by a single paper-based test at each level, which is completed at a computer. You'll be issued a Pass (P) or Unclassified (U) based on your performance in the test. If you don't meet the criteria to obtain a Pass the first time around, you can resit the test.

Edexcel Level 1 and 2 Functional Skills Mathematics

Our Edexcel Level 1 and Level 2 Functional Skills Mathematics qualifications are assessed by a single paper-based or onscreen, on-demand exam at each level. You'll be issued a Pass (P) or Unclassified (U) based on your performance in the exam. If you don't meet the criteria to obtain a Pass the first time around, you can resit the exam.

Frequently asked questions

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