Principal Learning results explained for students | Pearson qualifications
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Edexcel International Primary and Lower Secondary Curriculum results explained

Find out more about your Edexcel International Primary and Lower Secondary Curriculum results, and read the answers to some frequently-asked questions.  

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Important dates

Exam session Results released Certificates sent to schools and colleges by:
Summer 2023 Centres:
Wednesday 23 August 2023
7th November 2023
Thursday 24 August 2023

Results are released on ResultsPlus Direct from 9am (UK time) to students who've been registered for the service. If you don't have login details for ResultsPlus Direct, you'll need to check with your school or college to find out what time your results will be ready to collect.

How are Pearson Edexcel PLSC qualifications marked and graded?

The Pearson Edexcel International Award in Primary and Lower Secondary English, Mathematics and Science, consist of one written component. The papers are set and marked by our examiners.

As an awarding body, our role is to focus on setting papers that allow all learners to reach their potential, to mark them accurately, and to deliver the right result on time. We do this by providing as much support for planning, teaching, revising and formative assessment as we possibly can.

Therefore once all of the exams have been marked, our senior examiners decide where the grade boundaries should lie using the ‘comparable outcomes’ approach to setting and maintaining standards.

The basic principle of this approach is that if the group of students (the cohort) taking a qualification in one year is of similar ability to the cohort in the previous year then the overall results (outcomes), should be comparable.

Statistics play an important role in the comparable outcomes approach. In addition to statistics, senior examiners play a crucial role in providing their expert judgments about the quality of work and this insight also helps ensure that the grade boundaries are set in the right place.

We try to ensure the papers are of the same standard year-on-year but sometimes learners can find certain papers slightly easier or more difficult than others. In order to ensure fairness to all learners and comparability of standards over time, grade boundaries may shift to ensure that variation in difficulty is taken into account. If a paper is particularly difficult, adjusting grade boundaries ensures that comparable outcomes are maintained year on year and that no learners are disadvantaged simply because of when they took the assessments.

The Levels of attainment for the Pearson Edexcel International Award in Primary English (JEH01), Mathematics (JMA01) and Science (JSC01)

The awarding and certification of Edexcel International Award in Primary English, Mathematics and Science is awarded at three levels: Level P1, Level P2 and Level P3. Level P3 is equivalent in standard to Level S1 on the Pearson Edexcel International Award in Lower Secondary English, Mathematics and Science.

Level P3 is the highest and Level P1 the lowest. A learner whose level of achievement is below the minimum judged by Pearson to be of sufficient standard will receive an unclassified U result.

Please see the Appendix section of the English, Mathematics and Science specifications for the attainment target descriptors. Each level descriptor covers the type and range of performance that learners working at that level should characteristically demonstrate. The targets consist of levels of increasing difficulty across the Primary qualifications. It is hierarchical so it is assumed that a learner working at a particular level will demonstrate the descriptor at that level in addition to those at earlier levels.

The Levels of attainment for the Pearson Edexcel International Award in Lower Secondary English (LEH01), Mathematics (LMA01) and Science (LSC01)

The awarding and certification of the Edexcel International Award in Lower Secondary English, Mathematics and Science is awarded at four levels: Level S1, Level S2, Level S3, and Level S4.

Level S1 in the Lower Secondary qualification is equivalent in standard to level P3 on the Edexcel International Award in Primary English, Mathematics and Science.

Level S4 is the highest and Level S1 the lowest. A learner whose level of achievement is below the minimum judged by Pearson to be of sufficient standard will receive an unclassified U result.

Please see the Appendix section of the English, Mathematics and Science specifications for the attainment target descriptors. Each level descriptor covers the type and range of performance that learners working at that level should characteristically demonstrate. The targets consist of levels of increasing difficulty across the Lower Secondary qualifications. It is hierarchical so it is assumed that a learner working at a particular level will demonstrate the descriptor at that level in addition to those at earlier levels.

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