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Project results explained
Find out more about your Edexcel Project qualification results, and read the answers to some frequently asked questions.
Important dates
Exam session | Results released | Certificates sent to schools and colleges by: |
Summer 2023: Levels 1 and 2 |
Centres: Wednesday 23 August 2023 | 7th November 2023 |
Students: Thursday 24 August 2023 |
Summer 2023: Levels 3 |
Centres: Wednesday 16 August 2023 | 7th November 2023 |
Students: Thursday 17 August 2023 |
How is the Project qualification marked and graded?
Your Project will be marked by your teacher and you will be awarded a raw mark. If you completed a Level 1 Foundation or Level 2 Higher Project, your raw mark will be out of 40. The maximum raw mark for Level 3 Extended Project is 54.
Work is then moderated by us, meaning we request a sample of your teacher’s marking to check that we agree with their assessment.
Once all projects have been marked and moderated, our senior examiners decide where the grade boundaries should lie and you're issued with a points score and grade. It is your points score that's printed on your results slip.
The grading for Project is slightly different depending on the level you are studying:
- Level 1 Foundation Project is graded A*-B
- Level 2 Higher Project is graded A*-C
- Level 3 Extended Project is graded A*-E.
If you don’t get enough marks to pass with one of the grades listed above you will be awarded a U, which means ‘unclassified’.
Frequently asked questions
Sometimes illness, injury or other personal circumstances can affect your performance during an assessment. In these cases, it may be possible to issue you with a calculated result or extra marks. This is referred to as ‘special consideration'.
If you think you may be entitled to special consideration, you should speak to the exams officer at your school or college. They’ll need to make a request on your behalf and send us any supporting documents to help us make a decision.
Special consideration isn’t shown on the statement of results you’re given by your school or college but is indicated on ResultsPlus Direct by a flag. If you don’t have access to ResultsPlus Direct, you’ll need to check with your exams officer whether special consideration has been applied.
We can correct errors such as misspelled names very quickly but you need to speak to the exams officer at your school or college to request any changes.
These requests must come from someone at your centre as we have no way of identifying students who call or email us. If we can’t identify you, we can’t make changes to confidential information.
When will you send my results to UCAS?
If you are completing your Level 3 Extended Project this summer and are a UCAS applicant, we'll send your results to UCAS shortly before August results day. They collate your Pearson results with any other results you have from other awarding organisations and send these to the universities and colleges from which you've had offers.
There are a few reasons why UCAS may not have received your grades. See the table below for some common problems and their solutions.
Reason |
Solution |
You're missing a grade |
If your grade doesn't appear on your results slip, it may mean that your school or college hasn't asked us to add your module results together to produce an overall grade. The exams officer at your school or college can resolve this by getting in touch with their Pearson Customer Service Account Specialist. |
You have been entered for a late cash-in | If your school or college got in touch to ask us to calculate your overall grade after we sent them your results you don't need to do anything - we'll send your results to UCAS within 24 hours of your grade being issued. UCAS will then update your application. |
Your personal details don't match |
Sometimes we're unable to update the UCAS results database because the details we have are different from the details on your UCAS application. Please check that the personal information is correct on your results slip and matches the information on your UCAS application. If it doesn't, ask your exams officer to update our records. |
You've been issued a new grade after a review of marking | If you've been issued a new grade, you don't need to do anything - we'll send your results to UCAS within 24 hours of your grade being issued and they will update your application. |
Clearing is a UCAS service that matches students to courses that still have places available. It's a real option if you didn’t apply for university, or if you want to go but didn’t get the grades you needed.
For more information on whether you can apply through clearing, speak to your careers advisor or visit the UCAS website.
Lists of courses with places available are published on the UCAS website and in national newspapers after results day. Not all universities, colleges or courses have vacancies in clearing, but you don’t have to stick with the subjects you originally applied for – you may find something you are better suited to or that you are more interested in.
For more information on the clearing process, check out the UCAS website.
Understanding marks and grades
- 9-1 awarding FAQs
- Calculating your overall BTEC grade: Information for students
- Using the BTEC grade calculator
- GCSE and A level marks and grades
- Converting marks, points and grades
- Onscreen, on-demand test results
Understanding your results
- GCSE results explained
- A level results explained
- Edexcel Certificate results explained
- International GCSE results explained
- International Advanced Level results explained
- Functional Skills results explained
- Project results explained
- BTEC results explained
- Special requirements: Information for students and parents
- Edexcel International Primary and Lower Secondary Curriculum results explained