Making vocational registrations | Pearson qualifications
Registrations and entries Vocational registrations

Registering learners

Find out how to register learners for vocational programmes using Edexcel Online and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). 

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For more information about why and when you need to register learners, see the vocational registrations page.

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Edexcel Online (EOL) is a web-based service designed to make it quicker and easier for you to administer and access learner information. EOL allows you to make registrations within a few minutes and get immediate confirmation of registration numbers.

You will need an Edexcel Online account to make your registrations.

Find out how to get an Edexcel Online account

Watch the 'how to' videos below for a step-by-step guide to making individual and bulk registrations.

How-to videos
How to make individual registrations

This video shows you how to make individual registrations:

Watch the video

How to make bulk registrations

This video shows you how to enter information that will apply to a whole group of learners on a particular programme or unit:

Watch the video

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a service for centres that use a Management Information System (MIS). It uses basedata to transfer data between awarding bodies and centres. Here, you can find out how to use EDI to register learners for vocational programmes.

If you choose to make registrations and entries by EDI, we recommend that you still also have an Edexcel Online account so that you can use other facilities, such as EDI file tracking and access to entry and results reports.

New to EDI? Find out how to start using EDI

There are two EDI basedata formats that support BTEC registrations: EDIFACT and JCQ.  

Downloading basedata from Edexcel Online

How-to videos
Requesting BTEC basedata

This video shows you request BTEC basedata from Edexcel Online:

Watch the video

If you need Apprenticeship basedata in an EDIFACT format, please email

Registration by EDIFACT EDI

We can only provide basedata for programmes that you're approved to offer. If you're awaiting approval for one or more programmes, you should request basedata for your centre and then, when you receive confirmation of approvals, request a refresh of your basedata.  

Registration by JCQ EDI

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