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Test inspection
Welcome to the Pearson Test Inspection landing page. Here you'll find information on the role of the Test Inspection team as well as guidance to assist centres in the delivery of Pearson tests/exams.
The role of the Test Inspection team
The role of the Test Inspection team is to ensure that Pearson centres are conducting tests/exams in accordance with requirements to maintain the integrity of tests and prevent candidates being disadvantaged.
How are inspections conducted?
Inspections are randomly conducted using two methods:
- On-site visit (unannounced)
- Remote, virtual inspection (announced)
Please see the tabs below for more information on the two methods of inspection.
The inspection will be broken down into 6 key stages
- Security of test material
- Centre staff knowledge
- Test room (pre-exam)
- Before the start of the exam
- During the exam (observation)
- After the exam.
Under the 'Subjects' menu, you'll find more specific details (including the report form) and links to support related to the subject.
Feedback after an inspection
The Test Inspection team will send a copy of the report with any identified actions within 10 working days of the inspection.
Types of inspection
These inspections are conducted via a visit. Centres will not be informed in advance of an inspection.
Pearson Test Inspectors will arrive up to an hour before the test/exam is due to start and will ask to speak to a named senior member of staff (Head of Centre, Exams Officer, Quality Nominee or nominated Exams Manager).
The Pearson Test Inspector will have a letter of authority with a contact number that you can call should you require clarification that the inspector is genuine (the safety of your staff and candidates is paramount, so please call the number on the letter should you have any concerns).
Depending on the method of the test/exam being taken (paper or onscreen) the inspector will need access to:
- Secure storage area
- Key exam staff
- Exam room (pre-exam)
- Exam room (during the exam).
Centres will be informed 10 working days in advance of a remote inspection.
The platform that will be used for the remote inspection will be confirmed by the Test Inspection team
The Test Inspection team will contact the centre in advance to confirm the start time and to identify the centre's user details (name, email address and phone number) so that account can be added.
On the day of inspection
Pearson Test Inspectors will start the meeting an hour before the test/exam is due to start. The nominated centre user will join the meeting using the details provided by the Test Inspection team.
Centre users are to ensure that they log in using the application and not the browser version of the platform to be used.
The inspector will need to:
- View the secure storage area
- Question key exam staff
- View the exam room (pre-exam)
- Observe the exam room (during the exam).
The inspection will last no longer than 4 hours and will observe only 1 test.
The inspections will not be recorded.
The Inspector will not speak with any candidates.
The inspector will complete and submit their report and will submit to the Test Inspection team (this inspector will not confirm the outcome of the inspection on the day). The team will then send the report, with any identified actions, to the centre within 10 working days.