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Degree Finder
Edexcel Online
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- Support topics
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- Access to Scripts
- Assessment services
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- > Support
- > Support topics
- > Special requirements (including modified formats)
- > Reasonable adjustment
Special requirements
Reasonable adjustment
Reasonable adjustment can help reduce the effects of a disability or difficulty that puts the learner at a substantial disadvantage in an assessment. It applies to vocational qualifications, and is agreed at the pre-assessment planning stage.
Reasonable adjustments cannot affect the integrity of assessment outcomes, or give the learner an assessment advantage over other learners undertaking the same or similar assessments.
Reasonable adjustments should be agreed at the pre-assessment planning stage with the student, the arrangements should reflect the students 'normal' way of working within the centre or occupational setting.
To apply reasonable adjustment, please complete the RA1 form below and keep it in the learner’s file for inspection purposes, if requested.
For more information on reasonable adjustments, please see the Reasonable Adjustment and Special Considerations Policy for Edexcel Vocational Qualifications document in the Policies section.