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We will send you invoices and credit notes for entries and registrations on a weekly basis. You can scrutinize invoices, drill down to individual learner registration and entry details in Edexcel Online.
However, you will only be able to view this information if you have the ‘Invoice Enquiries’ profile activated. Your Edexcel Online administrator (usually your Exams Officer) can change your profile if you require this.
To find out how to view invoices on Edexcel Online, watch this video.
You may also find our new Finance Welcome Guide helpful:
You can also now access your finance account in our self-service portal, iPay
iPay allows you to:
- make secure payments by card online
- download copies of invoices and credit notes
- view or download your current statement of account
This service is available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, all year round. For further information read our iPay: Online Account FAQs
I have an invoice query - who should I contact?
If you have any queries about the charges on an invoice, or wish to dispute an invoice please create a case record by contacting us (select Invoicing, Statements & Payments in the Issue Type and Invoice Dispute in the Category Type). Payment cannot be withheld unless you dispute the amount of the charges within 21 days of receipt of an invoice, as detailed in section 10 of the terms and conditions linked below. You will need to give full details of the amounts disputed and the reason for your dispute.
See our terms and conditions for sales orders for qualifications
Payment for all fees is due 30 days from the date of the invoice.
Please make cheques* or BACs transfers payable to Pearson Education Limited, and email remittance advices to Cashrec@pearson.com.
Bank details:
HSBC Bank plc
62-76 Park Street
London SE1 9RX
Account no: 71060627
Sort code: 40-02-50
If you have submitted payment which has not yet been applied to your account, please contact our credit control department by using the Pearson Portal.