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Degree Finder
Edexcel Online
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Progress to university
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Pearson Progress
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Understanding our qualifications
Achieving your learning and career goals
You've worked hard and achieved your Pearson qualification, but what next? Here, you'll find useful information to help you make a decision.
Degree Finder
Our Degree Course Finder (DF) shows universities around the world that have confirmed that they recognise Pearson qualifications. Use it to plan your next steps.
Search our Degree Finder for universities by course, qualification or country
Useful links to help you plan your next steps
Get careers advice
Get guidance and support from experienced career advisors to help you make informed decisions on learning, training and work opportunities.
Jobs in your sector
Search for graduate jobs by sector.
Find a degree course
Check out which universities offer the course that you want and see what you need to do to get a place.
Compare universities and colleges
Find out what students think of their course, what jobs are like and what type of salaries are on offer.
Study abroad
Find out more about studying at a university overseas.
Alternatives to university
University life isn’t for everyone. This site gives some alternatives, hints, tips, and general advice.

Achieving your learning and career goals
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