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- > Candidate eligibility
Registrations and entries
Candidate eligibility
To be eligible for an award, a candidate must be entered for, or have taken, all the required units. Find out more about why they might appear ineligible.
Why isn't my candidate eligible?
Candidates could appear to be ineligible for a number of reasons:
- Errors in the Unique Candidate Identifier (UCI)
- Incorrect award/specification (cash-in) codes
- Credit has not been transferred
- Candidate does not have the required units
- Claiming a DiDA qualification or GCE in Applied Subjects
- Resit requirements
The UCI is used to aggregate candidate units for modular qualifications. Each candidate must have one UCI across all of their records to gain an overall result.
Please take care to ensure all details are correct when entering your candidates.
You can check that the UCIs and personal details are correct in your MIS or on Edexcel Online. If a candidate has results with more than one UCI, please contact us to make the corrections.
If any entries or cash-in codes are incorrect, the candidate may be ineligible. You can make amendments using EDI or Edexcel Online. The last date for withdrawals is 14 days before results are published. If you're having trouble withdrawing entries, please contact us.
If a candidate has achieved part of an award with another awarding body, you'll need to request credit transfer using the appropriate JCQ form. Please see the 'transfer of credit' section on the Special Requirements page.
If the credit transfer has not yet been completed, the candidate may show as ineligible. Please contact us if you have any concerns.
If the credit transfer has not yet been completed, the candidate may show as ineligible. Please contact us if you have any concerns.
If a candidate has not sat enough units, they may not be eligible for an award. For information on the eligibility requirements for each award, see the information manual. If you need any help, please contact us.
You can claim any award for which a candidate is eligible, regardless of what they were initially registered for, as long as they have all the units and cash-in for that award. There's no need to transfer or top up the registration.
You can check that candidates are eligible using Edexcel Online.
Candidates who wish to resit, either need to resit the full qualification or can choose to carry forward their controlled assessments and resit all the externally assessed units.
Registrations and entries
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