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- > Qualification approval
Additional qualifications approval
If you’re already an approved Pearson centre in the UK, find out here how to gain approval to offer further academic, vocational, or customised qualifications.
UK Centres wishing to offer vocational qualifications
If you are already a Pearson approved centre in the UK, you can apply to deliver vocational qualifications via Edexcel Online.
UK Centres wishing to offer academic qualifications
If you are an academic Pearson approved centre, you don’t need to apply for further approval to deliver any additional academic qualifications. You can find out more about academic qualifications we offer, including specifications and centre resources by visiting the qualifications section.
If you are an Approved Pearson Vocational Centre without current JCQ Approval and you would like to order academic qualifications, please contact us via the Pearson support portal.
Non-UK Centres
If you're already a Pearson approved centre outside the UK and you'd like to deliver additional qualifications, please register your interest and we'll be in touch with the relevant information.
Register your interest to deliver additional vocational qualifications
To guide you through your application, read our International Additional Vocational Qualifications Approval handbook (PDF|309.8 KB).
Not yet a Pearson centre?
If you’re not a Pearson approved centre yet, visit our become a centre page.
Updating your details
If you have a change of address, new head of centre or want to gain approval for an additional site, please contact us via the Pearson support portal.