Becoming a centre | Pearson qualifications
Centre administration

Becoming a Pearson centre

UK centres wishing to offer vocational qualifications 

If you’d like to deliver Pearson vocational qualifications, complete a short form to register your interest and we’ll get in touch to discuss the next steps. We have also produced a Handbook to help you understand the vocational centre approval process and guide you through your application. 

Register your interest to offer vocational qualifications 

Pearson vocational approval guidance handbook 

UK centres wishing to offer academic qualifications 

If you’d like to become a Pearson centre offering academic qualifications, please contact us via the Pearson support portal. Set the “issue type” as Approvals & Centre Details and we’ll help you through the next steps. 

Go to the Pearson support portal 

UK centres wishing to offer vocational and academic qualifications 

If you’d like to deliver Pearson vocational and academic, complete a short form to register your interest and we’ll get in touch to discuss the nest steps. 

Register your interest to offer vocational and academic qualifications  

Pearson vocational approval guidance handbook 

Non-UK centres 

If you’re a school, college or education provider based outside the UK, please complete a short form to register your interest and we’ll get in touch to discuss the next steps. 

Register your interest 

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