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Assignment checking service
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Degree Finder
Edexcel Online
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Progress to university
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Pearson Progress
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- Pearson Onscreen Platform
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- ResultsPlus Direct
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- Pearson Progress
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- > Onscreen testing
- > BTEC Specialist qualifications
Centre administration
Onscreen testing
BTEC Specialist qualifications
In these pages, you'll find details of the onscreen tests we offer for BTEC Specialist qualifications. Select the subject area you're interested in for more information, including centre guidance and sample tests.
Choose a subject:

The Pearson Onscreen Platform is used to deliver onscreen tests. To choose the version of the onscreen platform that best suits your needs and to find out more about installation and how to start delivering onscreen, go to the Pearson Onscreen Platform page.
Onscreen testing
- Next generation BTEC Firsts
- Functional Skills
BTEC Specialist qualifications
- Adult social care
- Business administration
- CCTV operations
- Children's care, learning and development
- Close protection
- Door supervision
- Hospitality
- Professional investigators
- Security guarding
- Taxi and private hire
- Team leading
- Vehicle immobiliser
- Aerospace and Aviation Engineering
- First Person on Scene (FPOS)/ First Person on Scene (FPOS) Scotland
Centre administration
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