Moderation and internal assessment | Pearson qualifications
Assessment and verification

Moderation and internal assessment for General Qualifications

This page gives you some guidelines on marking internally assessed work, and explains how the moderation process works. 

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Marking internally assessed work

Internally assessed work must be marked in accordance with the assessment criteria stated in the specification and any guidance in subject-specific instructions for the conduct of examinations.

Internal assessors should annotate the work to show how the marks have been awarded in relation to the marking criteria defined in the specification. You can provide this annotation either in a summary on a cover sheet or by annotating the margin or text to flag up evidence, or a combination of both.

Your indication as to how marks have been awarded should:

  • be clear and unambiguous
  • be appropriate to the nature and form of the coursework
  • facilitate the standardisation of marking within your centre
  • enable the moderator to check that the assessment criteria have been applied in the marking.

The moderation process

For internally assessed components of GCSE, GCSE in vocational subjects, A level, Applied A level, DiDA and Principal Learning:  
Step 1 You mark the internally assessed work for every candidate (using the detailed assessment criteria or marking schemes published by Edexcel), and arrange candidates in order of merit.  
Step 2 Our trained moderators will review a sample of candidates' work​ t​o​ check that your centre have assessed the work accurately and consistently. The moderator use​s​ the same assessment criteria​ as your centre. ​Based on the moderator's review, your centre's marks are either accepted or adjusted where required.
Step 3 If there is significant disagreement on marks between the centre and moderator, we may need to scrutinise the work of more or all of the candidates, across either the whole mark range or part of it. This may result in a complete reassessment of your centre's work.  

Where mark adjustments are made, the pattern of differences between your centre's marks and the moderator's will be taken into account, so that your centre's marks are in line with the standard being applied nationally. Unless your centre has been demonstrably inconsistent, mark adjustments will maintain your order of merit.

We reserve the right to adjust the mark of any candidate, and we will closely monitor the work of moderators.

You must retain internally assessed and moderated work (apart from the sample sent to the moderator) for inspection by us at any time up until the publication of results. Where material is submitted to the moderator on CD or DVD, you should send a copy and retain the original. Please ensure you retain candidates' work until after the closing date for Enquiries About Results.

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